Tag Archives: Dementor

Detective Work

I went by Ty’s house a few times yesterday and he was nowhere to be found.  The house was dark and the curtains were all drawn.  I waited until it was dark to climb over his fence, so I wouldn’t alarm his neighbors, but there is some kind of automatic light that flipped on.

I then drove by his parents house a few times.  I finally parked out front and there was no sign of Ty, but there is a huge Christmas tree blocking my view into the living room.  I did see his brother walking Dementor.

So I went home and picked up a tray of my famous home-made cookies to bring to his family.  I figured they would invite me in and tell me what is going on.

Everyone always remarks on how clever I am to make such beautiful cookies.

Everyone always remarks on how clever I am to make such beautiful cookies. I actually buy them from a woman who lives a couple of hours away, so no one knows.  If I had time to make cookies they would look like these, only nicer.

I changed into a cocktail dress, just in case they were all gathered for a sip of wine and drove on over.  Well, Ty’s mother must have started with the wine a little early because she was so rude to me!  She literally slammed the door right in my face.  His Dad came out after I knocked a few more times and asked me if I didn’t have a family of my own to “bother”.  Excuse me?  They have always seemed like such nice people in the past.  I tried to step inside with the cookie tray, just to drop it off, but he closed the door IN MY FACE!


I guess they won’t be getting a Christmas card this year.

More Trophies

Röbert and I got up bright and early this morning to take the drive out to pick Merlin up from Smart Camp (or whatever it is called).  I can’t believe that is his last camp this summer.  Only one more week until our family vacation, though!  I am so excited!

It was hard to decide what to wear for a Saturday award ceremony.  It is camp, so obvioulsy not dressy, but it was in a hotel in a city, so I didn’t want to look like a hick.  I decided to do preppy boho.  Not bad for a mom of three!

I think I look great in hats.

I think I look great in hats.

We dropped Starling and Merlin off with Grandmama, who acted surprised, but she always pulls that stuff.  “Oh, you didn’t call me.  I have plans.  Waaah, waaaah waaah.” What are we supposed to do?  Watch our own kids?  What a drama queen.

I had originally planned a day of spa treatments with Krystyn and Cari, so I had a touch of FOMO on the way up, but they sweetly kept texting me.  I guess Cari said something about Krystyn’s botox, which she totally has done on the regular, but which everyone knows you can’t mention to her, early in the day so they were angry with each other all afternoon.  I wish I had been there for that!

Once again, Merlin pretty much swept the awards, and everyone wanted to tell us what a delightful boy he is and so on.  I let everyone know that his sister is the real treat, and they should invite her next year.  I am sure they will.  Everyone seemed so interested in all of my stories about Starling.

This was the big overall award and he kept saying , "I can't believe I won it!"  Okay, enough Mr. Show-off!

This was the big overall award and he kept saying , “I can’t believe I won it!” Okay, enough Mr. Show-off!

I let Ty know that we could keep Dementor for as long as he needed us to, since his house might not be safe right now and he thanked me, of course.  He said that he was stopping by Renata’s place to pick up his stuff from her brother on the way home, and he’d come by for Dementor tomorrow.

How sad.  It sounded like his engagement didn’t work out.  Maybe next time he will choose a better person.

Clean Up Time

I guess Renata decided that she had caused enough destruction in Ty’s life for one week.  I took the doggies on a run past his house this morning and it looks like she tried to clean up a little, but the yard is pretty much destroyed and it looks like she had some workmen doing repairs inside the home too.  What is wrong with her?  Ty is such a nice man and she treats him terribly!

Beefy kicked the bags and they sounded like they are mostly bottles.  I am going to let that chatty religious lady who stands downtown handing out pamphlets about alcoholism and drug abuse know Renata's phone number and address so she can spend some time counseling her.

Beefy kicked the bags and they sounded like they are mostly bottles. I am going to let that chatty religious lady who stands downtown handing out pamphlets about alcoholism and drug abuse know Renata’s phone number and address so she can spend some time counseling her.

Meanwhile, Renata’s car is gone and I can’t imagine she will want to be there when Ty gets home tomorrow.  There is no reason for her to be there either, since St. Lah Lee stepped in once again to save the day, and take care of the dog. All the dogs really.  I have heard from many, many dog owners thanking me for finding their pets today.

Happy to be in a safe and loving home after the horrors of his week in the care of Renata, the snake.

Happy to be in a safe and loving home after the horrors of his week in the care of Renata, the snake.

Feeling Blessed

The foreign family down the street has been out of town this week, but I kept hearing noises from their house.  Finally last night I made Röbert come walk by the place with me to see if he heard it too.  It sounded like distressed animals.  I love animals so much, and this was the family who had Beefeater hidden in their garage last summer, so I insisted we call the police. When the police checked it out the basement was filled with caged dogs, including Dementor.

This picture was from the news this morning.  I am being hailed as a hero!

This picture was from the news this morning. I am being hailed as a hero!

I have no idea what they intended to do with all of those dogs.  They were contacted and claimed they had no idea what the police were talking about.  Most of the dogs were returned to their owners, who said they had just disappeared this morning.  Strange.  I have contacted Ty to let him know that we will keep Dementor here safely with us until he gets home,  He sure sounded relieved.  I wonder if Renata had something to do with the dog theft ring?

Missing Dog! Again!

I had an extremely unpleasant wake-up call this morning.  At the crack of dawn, 9:45 or so, my doorbell rang and it was Karen Sullivan!  Röbert was out running with Beefy, so I had to answer the door and talk to her.  How inconvenient for me.

Anyway, sometime yesterday, while she and Renata were lounging around her backyard together, Ty’s dog, Dementor, escaped from his house.  Renata was supposed to do one thing, and that was to take care of his beloved dog while Ty was away, and she completely, completely failed at that.

I don’t know why Karen thought I would have seen Dementor. I guess probably because I was so good at finding Beefeater when she kept losing him last year, but she seemed a lil’ accusatory, and I certainly took offense!

Jesus on toast!  I'd feel bad for her if she hadn't proven herself to be a complete and total snake, many times!

Jesus on toast! I’d feel bad for her if she hadn’t proven herself to be a complete and total snake, many times!

Anywho, she said that Renata had been up all night looking for Dementor, and she was going to look for a couple of more hours before letting Ty know, because we all know how much he loves that lil’ guy.

After she left I had a thought.  Renata was at Karen’s yesterday when we got home from dropping off Merlin.  Maybe Ty actually took the dog to camp with him.  Of course I texted him to check it out.  “Hey Ty.  I was wondering whether you took Dementor with you?  He hasn’t been seen since you left and I have been beside myself about it.  Renata seemed to have a nice day sunbathing yesterday.  Hugs.”

I didn’t hear back from him right away.  He probably wanted to check in with Renata about her tan or something.  I was going through some pictures I took of Hummus yesterday to pick one out for an online “Beautiful Baby” contest and guess what I spotted in the background of one?

Can you see him?  That dog is running for his life!

Can you see him? That dog is running for his life!

Poor Dementor looks terrified!  If I had noticed him running by, I am not sure i would have felt comfortable putting him back in the care of Renata.  She clearly was abusing him like she used to abuse babies.

I am getting more and more worried about Ty!


I went out for a lil’ walk this morning and guess who I ran into?  Ty and Renata.  I thought she broke up with him this weekend.  They looked like they were on their way to the coffee shop before work.  Poor Ty.  He just doesn’t understand what kind of devil he is dealing with.

We had an executive committee meeting for our end of year gala after crunch bunch and cross fit today and Krystyn and Cari both agree that he is playing with fire and that Renata is not attractive at all. Cari wanted me to say something to him, but I am not like that.  I hate gossip.

I took Beefeater out for a walk this evening and who did I see?  Ty and Renata!  It is like I can’t get away from her.

I think she might be stalking me.  Can I get a protective order to keep her away?

I think she might be stalking me. Can I get a protective order to keep her away?

Luckily Ty doesn’t have children, but who knows what she is capable of doing to his dog?  It would be absolutely awful if something happened to Dementor.  I am a huge dog lover and can’t stand it when I hear about someone being cruel to an animal.  There is just something so calculating and cruel about Renata.

Crazy Coincidence

I decided to go for a long power walk this afternoon at this park right near where Ty lives and who should I run into but Ty? He is Merlin’s teacher and a very close friend of mine.  I think some of the other moms (yes, you, Margie) are a little jealous of our close relationship and that is why they are cool towards me. Anywhoo, he was out walking with the most beautiful black lab so I asked him if the dog was his girlfriend’s and he said he didn’t have a girlfriend.  That is too bad because he is a very nice man and I think any gal would be lucky to date him.  His dog is called Dementor and I pretended that I knew what that meant.  Does anyone know what it means?  I am sure it is something nerdy because, truth be told, he is kind of awkward, in an adorable way.

I told him how much I love dogs and I think I will borrow Beefeater so we can go for a walk together sometime, or maybe to the dog park.

Dementor seemed very friendly and not at all vicious.

Dementor seemed very friendly and not at all vicious.

It is nice to discover how much we have in common.