Tag Archives: vicious dog

Disaster Averted, but Barely

I ran over to see Karen today because she (once again) was not taking my phone calls.  I took over a fresh baked batch of brownies (I get them from the bakery then put them in my own pan to make them look like I made them…it saves all sorts of time) and a bottle of wine.  I know Karen’s weak spots, LOL.  Anywhoo, we had a nice lil’ get together and I was getting ready to leave when I spotted the most horrifying thing.  Beefeater was out of his cage, I mean crate, and was playing with my lil’ bebeh, Hummus!

Have you ever seen a scarier photo?

Have you ever seen a scarier photo?

I know that Beefeater is supposedly “cured” now, but excuse me, I am not “cured” of my fear.  Anyone who has ever experienced and unprovoked attack like I did would also not be cured!

I still have nightmares about this day.  Beefeater is a vicious, cruel beast!

I still have nightmares about this day. Beefeater is a vicious, cruel beast!

I snatched up poor lil’ Hummus and scolded Karen about her disregard for MY comfort and MY needs.  She apologized of course, but I am not sure that is enough this time.

Holidays are a Time for Friends

One of my greatest blessings this year has been my friendship with Karen.  She is a LOT older than me and she harbors a vicious dog in her home, but I love spending time with her.  We had a bit of a rough patch after I was attacked by Beefeater, but now we are back to our old besties relationship.

BFFs 4evah

BFFs 4evah

Since we live right next door to each other, I like to just pop in.  Recently, Karen seems a bit uncomfortable when I stop by, especially when Mitch and Röbert are both out of town.  I tease her about her “secret life”,  LOL.  Do you think she might really have a secret life?


So tonight I invited her over to my home and we drank leftover punch from last night when i had my younger, fitter friends from the gym over for a real party.  It was nice just to catch up and not worry about the past.  Happy Holidays, Karen.  ILYLAS.

A Beachy Surprise

Röbert and the boys arrived this morning and found me asleep on the living room floor.  I don’t know why I didn’t make it into bed last night. I think Röbert was pleased that I was wearing my new jammies, because he kept staring at them.  We decided to just have a nice relaxing day on the beach.

The children were all running up and down the sand dunes.  The people who stopped by to scold them about the environment should just mind their own damned business!  I am sure that my sweet children playing on the sand dunes is not going to forever change the universe!

He is having fun, so the environazis can suck it.

He is having fun, so the environazis can suck it.

Merlin’s hair had gotten so long and I didn’t notice until he put on his hat!  I cut it with some scissors I found at the condo.  Boys don’t really care what they look like anyway.


As we were leaving the beach you will never guess who we ran into!  The Sullivans!  They have a house there where Karen spends a lot of time and I guess she and Mitch decided to come down after Beefeater attacked me.  They haven’t had him put down, which would be the responsible thing to do with a vicious dog.  They were both very apologetic about the incident.  Mitch kept trying to hug me which was very awkward.  Beefeater was with them, fortunately muzzled, which he didn’t seem to like much, lol.  I thought I heard him growl at me!

This is a vicious dog!

This is a vicious dog!

Karen does seem kind of heartbroken about the whole thing and has had to cancel all of her visits to nursing homes and pediatric hospitals where she brings Beefeater to snuggle with sick people and entertain them.  Oh well.