Tag Archives: vicious

Still Shaking!

I just had the most unbelievable experience at the Sullivan’s house.  Karen and I were getting ready to go to pilates and she asked me to run up to her son Roger’s bedroom to grab her gym bag while she answered the phone.  When I got in there Beefeater was on the bed, enjoying a lil’ nap in the sun, as dogs do.  I took the bag and as I passed the bed I may just have slightly touched the dog with the corner of the bag.  I could hear Beefeater start to growl behind me and omg!  He attacked me!

This is a vicious, ferocious animal.

This is a vicious, ferocious animal.

I have never been so scared in my whole life!  I ran from the room and shut the door behind me.  Karen ran upstairs and we could hear the dog flinging himself against the door.  I showed her the selfie I just happened to be taking at the moment he attacked and she was truly shocked.  Beefeater always seemed to be such a pleasant dog.  Now he seems like a monster.

Obviously we cancelled our pilates and Karen called Mitch to come home and a vet to come sedate the dog.  I don’t like the idea of living next door to such a vicious animal, especially with three lil’ angles running around my yard and now the Wozinskis on the other side of us have children as well.  Poor Karen has some thinking to do!

Since pilates was off I came home and put on my snuggly fall clothes and had a couple of glasses of wine before the children got home.

What a beautiful fall day!

What a beautiful fall day!