Tag Archives: pajamas

Father of the Year

One of my many fans PMed me a photo of Merlin at school today.  Thank you, Uranegligentmomlahlee!

4:7:16 pjs

He is always adorable.  He looks exactly like me.

Do you like his school clothes?  He is wearing his pajamas!  I want to wring Röbert’s neck.  What must people think?  Next time I unexpectedly drop the kids off at the last minute for the whole week, Röbert had better not drop the ball again.  So embarrassing!

Just Me and My Lil’ Guy

My big kids went back to school today so it was just me and Hummus doin’ a lil’ Mommy-Bebe bonding.  I was expecting a call from Joanie about where to meet for lunch so we hung out at home for 20 minutes before we headed over to the gym.

Hanging by the telephone.

Hanging by the telephone.

It was a busy day because I had exercise classes all morning, then a shower and lunch, and then I met with my personal trainer in the afternoon.  I am glad that Hummus enjoys the childcare at the gym so much.  He just loves coloring pages, and they do a lot of coloring pages there.  I think he shows a lot of talent.  I am also a very talented artist, so it is not surprising at all that Hummus wields a mean marker.

The kid who works at the childcare said he looks cute when he concentrates on these.

The kid who works at the childcare said he looks cute when he concentrates on these.

These are just a few.  He actually colored 57 pages today.

These are just a few. He actually colored 57 pages today.

I think art is SO important for young children, and am very glad that he gets exposed to coloring pages at the gym.  I know he is learning, not just watching videos (although they do that too!)

I think art is SO important for young children, and am very glad that he gets exposed to coloring pages at the gym. I know he is learning, not just watching videos (although they do that too!)

I ask them not to let him sleep while he is there so he is ready for a nice long nap when we get home.  Then I can relax a lil’ bit myself.

All cozy and relaxed!

All cozy and relaxed!

The older kids seemed a lil’ lethargic this AM so I will give everyone some medicine in their juice tonight and have a relaxing evening at home with Mr. Pinot Noir.

Guitar Mix-Up

Merlin has been playing the guitar for a couple of months now and already it sounds less like caterwauling and more like actual music.  Röbert said that we should let him return the guitar that Ty loaned us and buy him a decent instrument of his own.  Have you looked at the prices for guitars lately?  They are outrageous!  I found one that I was sure was fine and it was shaped like a dog.  Merlin loves dogs, so I ordered it.  It is adorable and I am sure he will grow to love it.

So cute and it matches his new dog theme bedding.

So cute and it matches his new dog theme bedding.

When Röbert got home from work he was furious because he said it is not a real guitar, it is a toy.  I am sure I have no idea what the difference is.  I was just trying to save money.  Ugh

Starling was invited to a slumber party this Friday at her friend Martha’s house.  She was so excited since Martha and her mother have been a bit cool to us lately, so I went out and bought her all new Frozen pajamas and sleeping bag and pillow for her big night out.  She is thrilled.

Someone said Merlin is the only one who ever smiles.  Look at this lil' angle beaming and suck it, hater!

Someone said Merlin is the only one who ever smiles. Look at this lil’ angle beaming and suck it, hater!

My Missing PJs

Of course you all know about the beautiful pair of pajamas which Röbert gave me two weeks ago.  They were super cute and super comfy, but unfortunately had the wrong initial embroidered on them.  Men, am I right?  He doesn’t even know anyone whose name starts with a K!  Hilarious!

I think Röbert looked at me a little differently when I wore these!

I think Röbert looked at me a little differently when I wore these!

The strangest thing happened this evening.  I wear the PJs every night and wash them right away because I love them so much.  Tonight when I went to take them out of the dryer, they were missing!  Who would take my comfy PJs?

So In Love

Röbert and I are just the perfect match.  I sometimes feel bad for people who don’t have a true love like I have.

My hunk-o-love

My hunk-o-love

The pajamas he gave me are so comfortable.  I have been washing them every day so I can wear them every night.   I can tell he loves seeing me in them!

So cute on me!

So cute on me!

He had to work on the weekend and has been coming home late a lot so I put the kids to bed early tonight and am planning a private dinner, just him and me, tonight.

Men appreciate it when you make a little effort.

Men appreciate it when you make a little effort.


New Neighbors

We were all very excited to meet our new next door neighbors because Mrs. Culligan, the realtor who sold it for our old neighbor (who was so old that we never really bothered to speak to her), told us the family had children! How lovely for my three lil’ angles to have playmates right next door, and for me to have someone I can drop them off with from time to time! They have spent months gutting and getting the house ready to move into. Then on Saturday a moving van pulled up and right behind it a mini van. We were all peeking out the window, when Starling burst into tears. It was the Wozinski family from Starling and Merlin’s school, and poor Starling doesn’t like Stella Wozinski at all. Merlin seemed fine playing with Stella and her little sister Izzy, but I called him right in. It was too upsetting for Starling and he shouldn’t be playing with girls anyway.

Later that day, Starling set up a spot near the woodpile to sit with her telescope and play spy on the Wozinskis! What fun! She borrowed my cell phone so she could call all of her little friends and let them know about all of the stupid things Stella does! She is so creative.

My lil' private eye.

My lil’ private eye.

Last time Röbert came home from the mountains he had bought me the coziest pajamas.  He is so thoughtful, he had even removed all the tags and washed them for me.  I think he meant to surprise me, but I found them in his suitcase when I was looking for his cell phone.  I told him he was a silly man because they had the wrong letter monogrammed on them and I can’t return them if they have no tags (I know this for a fact, I tried it once).  He is just so sweet and thoughtful!

Ha ha!  They have a K on them instead of an L.  Röbert is so distracted sometimes.

Ha ha! They have a K on them instead of an L. Röbert is so distracted sometimes.

Getting’ Ready for Halloween

The children are all wound up about Halloween.  They just can’t stop talking about costumes and candy.  I really don’t think it is necessary to buy new costumes every single year.  For instance, I think Hummus will by fine wearing the cute doggy hat his aunt sent him.

See, he is a dog?  Done!

See, he is a dog? Done!

I have no idea what Merlin even wants to be.  He changes his mind every three seconds.  I may just keep him home from school that day, who knows.

I did find the prettiest princess costume for Starling.  It was very expensive but she just can’t stop grinning every time she puts it on.  It’s not necessarily a Halloween costume, just a fun dress up outfit for my lil’ angle.

She looks so lovely, doesn't she?

She looks so lovely, doesn’t she?

My mother also brought them the cutest pajamas last weekend and she took a picture of them in them right before she discovered the lice.  I don’t think Merlin really cares about special pajamas so I put his in with Starling’s clothes after they were washed in extra hot water (by the housekeeper I hired to clean the house out).

They look so adorable.  They take after me!

They look so adorable. They take after me!