Tag Archives: engagement

Bad Day

I am having a bad day.  I can’t put my finger on why I feel so sad today.  I put Frozen on the tv this morning and threw a couple of boxes of Gogurt into the family room, and that is about as much parenting as I can stand.

I thought exercising would help, but I had to do it alone at home because I am stuck with two kids who are too old for child care at the gym.  Somehow all of that made me feel even worse.

Despite being sad, I am smoking hot!

Despite being sad, I am smoking hot!

And do you know what I found out about Karen’s stupid party?  It was an engagement party for Ty and Renata.  I should have been invited.  Ty is practically my best friend.  It is so horrible of her to steal my best friend and not invite me to his party.

All of those ugly old people must be Renata’s awful family.  Poor Ty!