Tag Archives: Edible Arrangement

Visiting Karen

I think it is very brave of me to try to heal my relationship with Karen, despite how badly she has treated me, but she is fat now and unattractive.  I think she deserves a cute friend to give her something to aspire to.

I took out the fruit tray Merlin put together for me yesterday and walked through our backyard, the way I have a million times before and I honestly felt a little teary remembering all of our happy times together.

I could hear her inside talking with someone, so I knocked on the door and guess what?  She didn’t even answer.  Is that the rudest thing you have ever heard of?

1:24:16 door

Who does that to a neighbor?

Luckily I found Röbert’s extra Visa card in an old suit jacket in the attic so I ordered her a very lavish arrangement.  Let’s see her ignore THAT!

A Thoughtful and Neighborly Gift

I wanted to send an Edible Arrangement to Karen to begin to heal our friendship, but I am having a tiny cash flow situation as a result of the beautiful Frozen castle in our yard and I haven’t been able to find any of Röbert’s hidden credit cards.   Being industrious, I found a lovely fruit tray online and asked Merlin to recreate it for me.

1:24:16 fruit platter

Simple enough, and he can get back to his all-important homework when he is done.

Imagine my surprise when I saw him upstairs on the computer not two hours later and he told me he was done.

1:24:16 fruit

Does this look done to anyone?  And kale?  Really, Merlin?

He is back downstairs finishing it now, but I don’t think I will have the opportunity to drop it off until tomorrow.

Poor Ty

I have reached out to Ty several times since the police unjustly railroaded him into confessing to my shooting.  His lawyer must had advised him not to contact me until after the trial, because he is not taking my calls or texts, or letters.  I did notice his old soccer team was playing a game today when I looked at their schedule by accident online.  I happened to be in the area and saw Ty with my telephoto lens I was using to shoot photos of a rare bird species I had read was spotted nearby.  He seems to have lost some of the weight and looked much happier than he has been in a while.  It must be such a relief to him to know that Renata has moved on to another man.  Maybe he will be back to teaching Merlin soon!

1:18:16 fatty

He mustn’t know about the Edible Arrangement I sent to his parents home last week or he would for sure have stopped by to thank me.