Tag Archives: dog theft ring

Feeling Blessed

The foreign family down the street has been out of town this week, but I kept hearing noises from their house.  Finally last night I made Röbert come walk by the place with me to see if he heard it too.  It sounded like distressed animals.  I love animals so much, and this was the family who had Beefeater hidden in their garage last summer, so I insisted we call the police. When the police checked it out the basement was filled with caged dogs, including Dementor.

This picture was from the news this morning.  I am being hailed as a hero!

This picture was from the news this morning. I am being hailed as a hero!

I have no idea what they intended to do with all of those dogs.  They were contacted and claimed they had no idea what the police were talking about.  Most of the dogs were returned to their owners, who said they had just disappeared this morning.  Strange.  I have contacted Ty to let him know that we will keep Dementor here safely with us until he gets home,  He sure sounded relieved.  I wonder if Renata had something to do with the dog theft ring?