Tag Archives: chicken

Party Animal

The Super Bowl party was loads of fun, but I woke up with a my grain this morning.  I let Röbert get the kids off to school and I think he dropped Hummus at my mother’s house.  I am not sure.  I should probably check his room and make sure he is not in there still.  He can be extremely quiet.

Everyone came except The Wozinskis and Ty.  I was pretty sure he would be attending a hipster party but I bought some IPA for him just in case.  I know he is not a neighbor, but he is my friend.  Val came, and she is not a neighbor.  I haven’t heard from Ty for quite a while.  I should stop by school and see him one day.

The food was fantastic.  Karen had gone all out and made all kinds of homemade sandwiches and dips and even fried her own potato chips.  She made a cake for dessert that looked like a stadium with lil’ players and everything.  At the last minute I had run over to the convenience store and picked up some trays and stuff, so I set those up in the room where we watched the game (like my book club reads books, LOL) and then I put Karen’s stuff in the pantry with my kale salad etc.  For some reason no one ate any of that stuff, so we had it for breakfast this morning.

It looks so tempting, right?

It looks so tempting, right?

Röbert seemed a lil’ miffed that my friends and I were talking throughout the playing part of the event, but we were quiet during the commercials, which is all anyone cares about anyway.

One crazy thing happened.  Do you remember Merlin’s chicken from last summer?  The one that suddenly disappeared?  Well apparently Birdy somehow ended up at the house belonging to the people who don’t speak any English, and they brought it back last night.  Ugh!  I would have thought they would have some ceremony where they slaughtered live chickens or something, but it is back in our house.  I tried to give it back to them, but they seemed to think I would be happy to see it.  They wouldn’t take no for an answer.

At least one person is happy.

At least one person is happy.

My Crazy Life

This morning I was determined to go over to the Sullivans to talk to Karen about what is going on.  I saw that her car was in the driveway so I marched right over to let her know how hurt I was by her recent coldness towards me and she didn’t answer the door.  So odd.  I thought I could hear the television playing and someone moving around inside.  Now I am really worried.  Maybe on top of her forgetfulness she is also losing her hearing.  Aging must be terrible!

When I got home I heard noise in Merlin’s room and guess what I found?  Birdy was all alone in his bedroom.  I was furious!  Merlin claims he has no idea how he got there, but I have a pretty good idea and the culprit had to catch the bird and then spend the morning cleaning out my car.

7:9 chicken

After lunch I put all three children down for a nap because I needed a nap!  I had just fallen asleep when I heard shouting from down the hall.  I thought someone was hurt so I ran and apparently Merlin had somehow convinced Starling that jumping on her bed is a good idea. Oh my word!  I sent him back to his room and brought her downstairs to watch a movie.  He had gotten her way too wound up to sleep!  So it was Frozen and cookies for her while I cat napped on the sofa!

7:9 bed jump

I was able to drop the children with the family down the street who don’t speak much English (and don’t own any chickens LOL!) while I went shopping for dinner stuff.  I also stopped by the coffee shop for a few minutes!  Shhhh!

7:9 lah Lee

I came home nice and relaxed only to find that the non-English speaking family had completely misunderstood EVERYTHING I told them and Hummus and Starling were inside eating sugary snacks and watching television while Merlin was outside playing in the dirt.  He could have been run over by the backhoe someone was using back there!  I will have to think carefully before I allow THAT family (the Chens?  the Changs?  Who knows?) to watch my children for me again!

7:9 merlin

What could i do?  I brought the children home and put them to bed!  Then it was Calgon time for me . (Only, not Calgon but this delicious Jo Malone bath oil I bought for myself.)  Take me away indeed!

7:9 Calgon

Fun on the fourth!

Independence day is one of my favorite holidays, although I sometimes find myself wondering if it weren’t for those colonials I might be living it up in Downton Abbey etc.  Food for thought.  Anywhoo…

I got up nice and early for our annual Open House.  I ran to the kitchen and made up mimosas and waited for the guests to arrive.  But guess what?  Röbert never sent out the invitations.  They were on the back seat of his car!  I wondered why no one had called to ask what to bring.  Oh well, more mimosas for me!

photo mimosas

After I drank breakfast (lol) I was laying down and I heard a crash in the living room.  I went to investigate but all I found was my precious Starling reading a big heavy book.  She is so smart!  She said she hadn’t heard anything but I later found a broken vase behind the sofa where she was sitting.  Ugh!  I just know it is Merlin but Röbert coddles him so, and wouldn’t let me punish him without proof.  Infuriating!

photo starling reading


Merlin was outside playing with that darned chicken, “Birdy”.  I keep shooing it into the neighbors’ yards but Birdy comes right back.  Röbert  bought it some chicken feed and made a pen for it out back.  See how he spoils Merlin?  I just know those two were up to no good!

photo chicken3


But it was time for the Sullivan’s annual July 4th party so I ignored the mess the bird was making, scratching up my beautiful yard, and got changed.  I put the baby in his car seat to go next door.

photo hummus car seat

I am worried about the Sullivans.  They are older, probably in their mid-forties, and I think they might be losing it a little.  They acted surprised, as if they weren’t expecting us, when they know we come EVERY year!  Oh my.  I may have to sit down with Karen and see what is going on.


Of course Röbert and Merlin started horsing around and I was MORTIFIED!  The Sullivans were so sweet about it and kept telling me to let Merlin stay “just this once”, whatever that means, but I sent him straight home to bed.  Too bad he missed the swimming and fun and fireworks.  I hope roughhousing with his father was worth it!

photo roughhousing

Starling and Hummus both seemed like they might be allergic to something earlier, so I gave them each the tiniest bit of Benadryl and it just wore them right out.  By 6 PM the children were nestled all snug in their beds and we were able to enjoy a little grown up time.  Röbert had a hamburger, but I was a lot hungrier.!

photo picnic

Happy summer!

Chicken Craziness

Last night I sent Röbert over to the neighbors with the chicken Merlin had taken and there was a huge misunderstanding.  They barely speak any English, and the chicken was not theirs and apparently they were very offended by the suggestion that the chicken was theirs.  Who knows what that is all about?  So we still have the chicken.  Merlin is delighted and has named him Birdy, but poor Starling is frightened to death of the thing!  I thought  could literally kill two birds with one stone and have a little roast chicken for dinner but when I read up on how to pluck it online I was just all eeew.  I have no idea what to do.

Chicken day 2 photo

I made Merlin bring the animal outside and Starling and I played her favorite game, paparazzi.  I walk around the house and she pops out of hiding places to take my picture.  She is really very good at it!  The photos are little blurry but we laugh and laugh!

blurry Lah Leephoto

Later all the children went outside to play so I could relax a little.  I took a glass (or two! LOL) of wine with me and just enjoyed our afternoon.

children porch photo

I called Röbert to come home early because I had a splitting headache.  I hope he remembered to feed the children because I am now just relaxing in my room.   He looked so handsome when he got home!

Robert in white room photo

Picnic Time!

Now that June is here it seems like we should always be picnicking!  Our neighbors, the Sullivans, invited the whole gang over for a picnic tonight.  I was asked to bring dessert, and i knew right away what to bring!  Watermelon!  But before Hummus and I could go shopping, I needed to clean the house.  So I put on my favorite caftan, and off to clean the upstairs.  A mother’s work is NEVER done.

caftan photo

Hummus and I tried to go to the new market, but they close midday for “Siesta” so we went to the local supermarket to get the watermelon. Can you see  how sleepy he looks?

shopping cart photo

We got home just in time to greet the older kids as they arrived home from school.  I sliced my watermelon and ran upstairs for a quick bath while Hummus napped.  I heard some squawking from the sun room, where I had left the watermelon out, and guess who had “borrowed” a chicken from some neighbors we barely know and was chasing it around?  I will give you a hint, it wasn’t Starling!

chicken photo

That very same little scamp got sent up early to bed while the rest of us went next door for our picnic.  I hope he could hear everyone playing in the pool and regretted his behavior!  The Sullivans seemed upset that he wasn’t with us, but so be it!  He was naughty so no treats for him.  I had a great time with their dog!

picnic photo

After dinner the hubby and I frolicked in the Sullivans’ wheelbarrow.  What a great day for a picnic!

wheelbarrow photo