Tag Archives: bitch

Preschool Hopes

Merlin and Starling both attended this wonderful preschool in town, where all of the better families send their children.  Hummus is only just two, but I feel like he is ready for preschool now.  He is so bright and inquisitive.  He still isn’t speaking, but that is totally normal, I am sure, and he can get into mischief like all other children his age.

Oh, Hummus! You are such an acrobat!

Oh, Hummus! You are such an acrobat!

I have sent a letter to the new director at the school, encouraging her to waive the requirements for admissions for us.  They say he must be three and potty trained.  I don’t think that applies in our case because he is ready for school and his brother is a freaking genius.  Keep your fingers crossed because this director has also started a program where children can be dropped off early and stay until six.

I ran out to the farmer’s market yesterday and guess who was there?  That viper, Renata.  She had no ring and was wearing glasses, probably to hide her puffy eyes.  Her hair was a mess but her skin condition has improved.  Good for her!




Helping Out

I am sure that most people consider me a super-mom.  I take care of my kiddies, my hubster and my home.  I just barely have time to take a quick class or two at the gym and hang out with my gal pals between all of my obligations.

Something that is VERY important to me is volunteering at the children’s school.  Their education is so important to me, and helping out in the classroom is the least I can do to support their wonderful teachers.  I do most of my volunteering in Merlin’s class because I think they probably have a hard time finding parents who are intelligent enough to keep up with the genius class.

Today I was in charge of a special “Congress of the Minds” event in their class.  I volunteered to run it last September, but of course I had to allow the other women to do SOME of the work.  Margie Harris was my co-chair and I checked in with her pretty often.  I mean, WAY more often than that bitch Margie claims I did.  Anywhoo, women are so, so competitive, aren’t they?  And I truly believe that we should be supporting each other, embracing each other, loving each other.

So today I went in for the event and it was great.  I have to say that I am a wonderful chair, because it all ran so smoothly and there was a LOT going on.  My committee had all decided to wear pants and flats because they were running around like crazy.  I hadn’t gotten that email apparently, but it was just as well.  Someone needs to be able to stand still and supervise and correct the other ladies when they don’t fulfill my vision.  Also, I know that Ty appreciated having a chance to chat with me, even though he was pretty busy too.

There is nothing wrong with caring about your appearance.  Margie could take a lesson from me here!

There is nothing wrong with caring about your appearance. Margie could take a lesson from me here!

Merlin really loved his special day with Mommy, so I feel like I have done my job.

He didn't say much after school, but that is the way with boys.  I know he totally loved everything about having me at school today.

He didn’t say much after school, but that is the way with boys. I know he totally loved everything about having me at school today.