Poor Cari

I can hardly write all of this down, I am so upset for my friend, Cari.

Last night her dear friend “James” was driving around in her new car, as he loves to do, and he got into a terrible accident.  Don’t worry, he just hit a tree, so no one was hurt, and he was just a little confused following the accident, although how they can tell that is a puzzle.  He always seems a little confused to me.

Her beautiful car!

Her beautiful car!

The terrible part is that Cari’s new wheels were totaled in the accident and, far from replacing them, as they should, “James’s” family are accusing Cari of some terrible things!  When she stopped by the hospital to visit him, she was served with a restraining order.  Apparently “James” does not have a license and should not have been driving.  How was Cari supposed to know that?  And his family says Cari is a gold-digging little whore, which is not a nice way to refer to their father’s dear, dear friend.  They are moving “James” to an undisclosed long term care facility, so poor Cari will never see him again.

Right now she is downstairs just crying and crying.  Luckily, Röbert is great at comforting sad girls.  And I have a feeling her frown will turn upside down when Mitch gets home tomorrow afternoon.

I’d better go down and check on her.  It is so quiet down there, she must have stopped crying.


11 thoughts on “Poor Cari

  1. suzy

    Maybe Cari can file for guardianship?

    Your husband is so sweet to all your friends. I’ve had a hard time finding his phone number. Is that in the about section?


  2. AbsaSteele

    Well *I* just hope that Cari isn’t emotionally scarred by this whole “James” experience and rendered unable to enjoy her life in the manner to which she is accustomed. Surely there is some legal recourse she should be considering.


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Cari has a lawyer she uses when these things happen, and I think she came up with a generous settlement. We will miss “James”, but Cari always has another admirer in the wings. She is so popular!


  3. Big Fan

    So is she ok. Please tell us? I’m keen to hear. Sometimes I feel as if you all are my second family, and I worry!


      1. Yummy Mommy Pregnant Tummy

        Röbert is such a great husband. Maybe you should send him and Cari out together so Cari is reminded there are still great guys out there. You’re so lucky to have him it would be the kind, sharing thing to do for your friend and we all know how selfless you are. Besides, your marriage is so strong it’s not like anything untoward would happen if you let Cari borrow’ him for a dinner date.


  4. Equestrian Pilates Mama

    Wow, poor Cari ending up in the middle of crazy town.
    It’s very unfortunate that James’s family can’t see past their own inheritances to see the genuine friendship that he and Cari have developed. Isolating loved ones from their friends is absolutely emotional abuse, poor James being separated from the only person who truly cares for him and not his money.

    That said, I hope Cari’s getting a new car. It’s hardly her fault that James lost control while going for a joy ride!


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Cari is such a good person. She said that she has been through this exact same situation a few times before and she usually ends up with a generous (five figure, not six) goodbye gift from the family, but no new car or inheritance in the future.


      1. PSL Mama

        Interesting that she has been through this before. Poor girl. She must have a huge heart for the elderly. I’m curios how she meets these men. I’m so glad no one was hurt. If James bought the car for Cari (in her name) I assume the insurance will replace it for her?

        So glad Röbert could comfort her until Mitch gets back.


  5. Big Fan

    I have a heart for old people as well! I’d love to know where Cari meets her lovely friends. Mature folk are such interesting company, especially if they’ve had enough money to travel and see the world, and if they are not burdened with too many money grabbing relatives.



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