Tag Archives: vicious animal

Beefeater…On the Loose and Dangerous

I just happened to be out in my front yard this morning around 5:30 AM admiring the sunrise, when who should I see jogging up the street but Karen and Beefeater.  It was an unpleasant shock because she had told me that the dog would now always wear a muzzle outdoors and around my family and he was NOT wearing a muzzle for his lil’ early morning run!

Nope, no muzzle.

Nope, no muzzle.

Of course Karen was surprised to see me, I guess she didn’t expect to get caught.  She said that Beefeater hated the muzzle so she didn’t think it would hurt to have him outside without it before anyone else was even awake.  I pointed out that it was not MY responsibility to live my life around Beefeater’s schedule and of course she agreed.

After school I looked outside and you won’t even believe what I saw!  Beefeater was out of their house with no muzzle, playing with Merlin. He seemed ready to attack and I could hear him growling from inside my house!

I was so terrified when I saw Beefeater ready to attack Merlin!

I was so terrified when I saw Beefeater ready to attack Merlin!

I called Karen right away and we were both crying when she came to get this dangerous, dangerous animal.  She said that her house had been all locked up and she had no idea how he had gotten outside.  Maybe he is a magician now.  Who knows?  I was pretty sure she would now see reason and have that horrible animal put down.  It is sad, sure, but what else can you do when you have a terrifying wild animal?  You wouldn’t keep a pet grizzly bear, would you?  I feel exactly the same way about a vicious Golden Retriever next door to my children.

Karen just called a few minutes ago and she apparently has found an animal rehabilitation clinic in Vermont where she is sending Beefeater for a few weeks to work on his recent aggressive behavior.  She asked if I still had the key to her back door which she gave me a million years ago (of course I don’t! I am sure I returned it to her last year).  Good luck to her, I guess.