Tag Archives: tanning

Away He Goes

Last night Merlin got a phone call from his favorite teacher, Mr. Williams.  It turns out that he is going to be a”facilitator” (LOL!  What the hell does that mean!?) at the the nerd camp Merlin is attending this week and he called to offer Merlin a ride to camp.  It is a few hours away, so it was a relief to me not to have to drive him (and listen to him) all that way, plus Merlin was so excited to be going with Ty!  It really is nice that he has taken such a special interest in my child.  Everyone does tell me how much like me Merlin is.

Anywho, we decided to meet at the library this morning to hand off Merlin to him.  It was nice to see Ty and, while I didn’t get a chance to speak to him about Renata, I think that I was able to communicate quite a bit with my eyes.

My two buddies were happy to be together again, and Ty had some god awful sounding audio book to listen to on the ride.  Better him than me!

My two buddies were happy to be together again, and Ty had some god awful sounding audio book to listen to on the ride. Better him than me!

He did say that we should pick him up next weekend because we won’t want to miss the awards ceremony.  Ugh.  Awards ceremony?  You wouldn’t want to bet on whether I would be willing to miss that, Ty!

Röbert took the other two kids with him to some dog show thing for Beefeater this afternoon, so I have been hanging out, looking at Pinterest pages and making plans for this week while Starling is also in camp (Her art day camp, I couldn’t stand to have her away for a whole week!)  I looked out my back window to check on the progress at Karen’s pool (still disgusting) and guess who appears to have a new bestie?  Apparently snakes like to lie around in the sun with other snakes.  How convenient for me.

Where on earth did she even find a two piece?  She is delusional if she thinks a tan will help!

Where on earth did she even find a two piece? She is delusional if she thinks a tan will help!

I have to run and call Cari about this latest development.