Tag Archives: strange

Crazy Misunderstanding

Oh my, I had the strangest thing happen today.  All of the children were at school and I was just starting to think about lunch when someone knocked on my back door!  You will never guess….it was Mitch Sullivan.

Apparently sometime after my fourth or fifth mojito on Saturday night, I had made plans with him to go to lunch today.  Isn’t that just the strangest thing?  I do not remember.  Well, I was hardly dressed to go anywhere, but I didn’t want to embarrass him (he seemed kind of nervous anyway) so I just pretended that I had planned on it all along.  He took me to a very nice restaurant in a hotel several towns away.  The whole thing was very awkward.  He asked the hostess to take a picture of us and he kept mentioning that they had rooms you could rent upstairs.  So odd.

Casual sweater for a nice luncheon.

Casual sweater for a nice luncheon.