Tag Archives: Stefan

Coffee with Stefan

Since I have been home, Röbert has been extra sweet and solicitous of my needs.  Obviously I have been in excrutiating pain a lot of the time, but I try not to let my guy see me like that.  I am terribly stoic, you know.

One of the drawbacks of all of this loving care is that I hardly have a moment to myself.  Recovery means that I am spending a lot of time healing (napping and watching important documentaries about world affairs and bachelors trying to find their one true love among 26 beautiful women) and a fair amount of time talking to doctors about pain relief.  I really haven’t had time to see my special guy Stefan since he got home from his ski trip, but we have been keeping up by text message etc.

This morning I suggested to Röbby that since Piti has her day off on Sunday, he could take the children to visit with Grandmama while I caught up on some sleep.  I don’t want that crazy foreigner, Piti anywhere near my angles!

I quickly got dressed in a sweet lil’ frock and drove downtown to meet Stefan for coffee.  I am so lucky to have a handicapped tag now so I can park easily and don’t have to walk.  I should have had one made for myself years ago!

Stefan and I talked and talked but we just don’t see any way to make our relationship work right now.  He is planning to start on a trip around the world next month and as much as I want to go, I don’t think it is possible.  I tried to convince him that we could just see first world countries with a high standard of health care and easily access to high quality strong and effective pain relief, but he seems to think that to see the world you need to also go to dirty places.  So, no.  He should be back in a few months, and maybe then this star-crossed relationship has a chance.  Damn you Piti or other crazy jealous foreigner or hater who shot me!

1:17:16 Stefan

We are completely, completely adorable together

I guess I would have missed Starling from time to time too.




Happy Thanksgiving 2015

On Wednesday I volunteered to deliver the meal that the PTO had collected to a needy family who has actual children at our school.  I didn’t realize that there were poor people in our school district.  We pay high taxes so we don’t have to live near poor people.  By volunteering I looked caring, found out who the poor family was (no one my kids play with, thank goodness) and saw what everyone donated (thanks for the $.69 can of cranberry sauce, Johansen family,  I hope you were still able to feed your own family after that generous contribution).

Margie had made a lovely spinach gratin that I was sure the poor family wouldn’t really appreciate, so I replaced it with some canned beets I had in the cupboard and put it in a pretty casserole and wallah!  My contribution to Thanksgiving dinner with Grandmama was complete.

On Thursday we slept in and then started getting dressed for dinner at Grandmama’s.  Röbert was surprised she had wanted to host us since she has been pretty standoffish since that time the children destroyed her precious antique carpet, but I told him that she had called late at night and was quite insistent, despite being obviously tired and slurring her words a bit.

My lil' turkey looked adorable, as usual.

Starling sang Turkey in the Straw for 8 hours straight.  Adorable!  I can’t believe they go back to school on Monday.

I came downstairs and you will never guess who was waiting in my living room?  Stefan!   We had agreed not to see each other but he told me that when Röbby called him he couldn’t resist.  It was very awkward, but it was nice to see him and he brought the most beautiful flowers.

The chemistry is just undeniable when you see us together.

The chemistry is just undeniable when you see us together.

We all piled in the car with my lovely gratin and a pecan pie that Stefan had brought, but when we got to Grandmama’s she was just leaving to come to our house for dinner.  She is obviously a very a confused old lady.  She started accusing me of all sorts of unsavory things and we had to leave in a hurry.  When I got home I ran up to my room to cry and then I had a terrible my grain.  It was just so awful with my special guest and on such a wonderful family day.  Röbert made soup for the kids for dinner and I had a lil’ sip of vodka.  After dinner I told Röbert to play some board games with the kids and I went up to bed.  Once again, St. Lah Lee saves the day.

Her New Bestie

By the time Kathy finally made it downstairs this morning I had missed Barre and Spin, but it didn’t matter.  I had planned a special day for her to pour her heart out to me.

I had suggested we could go shopping, but when she came downstairs in this number I decided to tske her back to the state park I had been to with Stefan. I couldn't be seen with her dressed like this!

I had suggested we could go shopping, but when she came downstairs in this number I decided to take her back to the state park I had been to with Stefan. I couldn’t be seen with her dressed like this!

While we were driving she told me that Stefan had offered her a very generous settlement, but she just felt it was wrong to profit off of him in that way.  Normally I would have been texting Krystyn for the name of her ruthless divorce lawyer at that point, but instead I just agreed with her.  “You don’t want anything of his!” I said, “Make a clean break.  You can get by just fine on your adjunct professor salary, right?”  She admitted that she might need to take on a part time job too, but I encouraged her to be independent.  LOL!  I was laughing so hard on the inside.

We sat under the tree where Stefan and I had kissed last week and talked about what a really bad person Claire is and how she had always seemed two-faced to me.  All at once, Kathy saw all of the signs.  LOL.  I encouraged her just to make a clean break with Claire too.  There is no sense in questioning her about something she will only deny.

When we got home Kathy told me that she had always misjudged me.  I reminded her that she had listened to Claire, who thought I had stolen Röbert away from her.  It was Claire who drove Röbert away with her wanting to get married and wanting to be grownup all of the time.  Claire is the one who is maybe canoodling with her husband now.  Claire is the bad person here.  LOL.  She told me I am a very good friend.

Kathy is right. I am a very good friend.  I am just not her friend.


Guess Who Came to Dinner?

Late this afternoon there was a knock at my front door and some muffled sobbing outside and you won’t even believe who showed up at my home!  Kathy!  She was looking for Röbert and she was crying buckets.

Apparently Stefan left her.  He told her he was in love with someone else, but wouldn’t tell her who.  He also said that the other person was not his reason for leaving her, that he didn’t love her anymore.  Wow!  That must have stung. LOL.

If you dress in lumpy sweaters you don't get to keep cute, rich husbands.

If you dress in lumpy sweaters you don’t get to keep cute, rich husbands.

She asked if she could stay overnight.  What could I say?  I was dying to hear the whole messy story.  I rushed her right up to the guest bedroom and brought her a cold glass of wine and ran her a bath.  I even brought out the nice guest towels and fluffy robe.  LOL.

Then I told her how I had always suspected that Stefan had a thing for her best friend, Claire.  LOL LOL LOL!  Had he been traveling abroad much lately, because I knew Claire had been working on some archaeological thing abroad?  Hahahaha!  Yes, it turns out that Stefan has been doing quite a bit of travel!  LOL a million times.

I left her and called up Le Petit Bistro for some food and gave the children a little mac and cheese and sent them up early.

When Röbert came home I was all solicitous care with Kathy and, of course, he was kind but wanted nothing more than to sit quietly and watch ESPN.  What man wants to listen to someone cry about their failed marriage?  I got her a tiny bit drunk and sent her up to bed.  I couldn’t wait to text Cari and have a good laugh!

I Feel a My Grain Coming On

I just got a text message from Stefan, and not a naughty one.  He said to find a sitter for the kids tomorrow and he will take care of getting rid of Röbert for the day.  We need to talk.  I am not sure if I want to talk.

I am so confused right now.  I think I had better go shoe shopping to settle myself.

I think I need a few pairs of shoes, and maybe a purse or seven. LOL

I think I need a few pairs of shoes, and maybe a purse or seven. LOL

Seeking Advice

Ever since Wednesday, Stefan and I have been texting each other non-stop.  There is nothing explicit, but he is very flirty with me.  It is exciting and fun, but I feel a tiny bit guilty because we are both married.  I am very happily married.  I am sure Röbert would feel betrayed if he knew we had kissed.  I know I would be very upset if he flirted or even had an affair with my best friend.  I would take it extremely badly and, despite keeping up a brave front, I would lose confidence in myself and feel absolutely terrible for a long, long time afterward, even if he ended the affair  I think something like that would be the worst blow I could imagine.  I would be tempted to give him a bit of his own medicine if he ever did that to me, which I am sure he never would.

On the other hand, it delights me to think of that bitch, Kathy, discovering that her husband doesn’t love her anymore.  I would like to be there for that lil’ revelation.

Anywho, I had a lil’ sit-down with Cari over a lush’s lunch (martini’s with two olives for sustenance!) this afternoon.  I knew that Krystyn would disapprove of the flirtation, since Luke had several affairs before leaving her for his Muy Thai instructor, but Cari is very European in her thinking.  I knew she would have some good advice about my situation.

It is nice to have such a wonderful friend. Karen turned out not to be so trustworthy in the end.

It is nice to have such a wonderful friend. Karen turned out not to be so trustworthy in the end.

Cari saw the photos of Stefan and some pictures of his homes and cars and then looked up his net worth online and said she thought it would be fine to continue a little harmless flirting.  Maybe it might even spice things up with Röbert, if you know what I mean!  I guess I will just continue my little texting friendship for now.


TBT Stefan

Röbbie’s mother sent over some fun pictures of Stefan and Röbert together as children and teenagers for our Friday night “slumber party” last week.  I love this school photo of Stefan in ninth or tenth grade.  I started calling Röbert “Play” after I saw Stefan as “Kid”.  LOL.

What do you call that hair?  He is still pretty cute, right?

What do you call that hair? 

I wonder if he smelled as good in high school?  Most high school boys smell like feet, but if anyone smelled good, I’ll bet Stefan did.

Lengthy Lunch

This morning, right after I dropped Hummus off at school, I got a phone call from Röbert’s friend, Stefan.  I didn’t even know he had my number!  He said he was back in town for a meeting and wanted to take me out for lunch. I had told him about an idea I have for a business on Saturday night, and he wanted to help me with it.

He took me out to a lovely restaurant and ordered champagne, my favorite.  I was flattered that he remembered how much I love expensive bubbly, since I so rarely have it.  We had a very long lunch, and he listened carefully to my ideas and gave me some thoughtful advice.  We could see the waiter kind of glaring at us (he needn’t have worried, he got a great tip) so Stefan suggested that we retire to the bar and have a little digestif.  I scooted to the bathroom and then called Cari to ask her to pick up the kiddos for me.  She is such a good friend.

When I got to the bar Stefan had found us a cozy booth and had ordered me a delicious snifter of cognac.  Expensive brands truly are better, and I love being spoiled that way.  I was already a little light headed from drinking most of the bottle of the champagne and not eating anything all day (I had just moved my lunch around the plate a bit).  Stefan had put his briefcase on one side of the booth, so I just slid right in next to him.

The bar at the restaurant was extremely elegant, and so is Stefan.

The bar at the restaurant was extremely elegant, and so is Stefan.

Stefan started telling me a little bit about his marriage to Kathy, and all is not well in their extremely large and well appointed home, gorgeous lake cottage and charming pied a terre.  I am a feminist and would never say anything against another woman, so I just listened.  I am a very good listener.  Poor Stefan.  Kathy is just as awful and shrewish as I suspected.  It seemed natural to hold his hand while he told me how unhappy his marriage is. I had another sip of cognac and then he ordered me some coffee with a naughty bit of Bailey’s in it to warm me up.  By this point I had heard from Röbert, who said he would be late home from work, and Cari who was feeding the kids for me.  Like I said, a fantastic friend.

It was dark by the time we left and I stumbled a bit on the steps so Stefan put his arm around me.  He asked his driver to bring my car home and he said he would take me home in his car.  He had somehow managed to drink a lot less than I did.

When we got back to the house I thanked him and leaned in to hug him goodbye and somehow we ended up kissing.  It was a pretty serious kiss.  I shocked myself because I haven’t kissed anyone except Röbert since we started dating.  Except, of course, a few men at parties or sometimes someone I met on a girls’ night out.  And of course my gal pals when we have a few drinks. I have certainly never kissed Röbert’s best friend before.  I was surprised that I didn’t mind it very much.  Stefan is very handsome and charming, with an accent I have always found very attractive.  He smells amazing.

After a few minutes Stefan walked me to the door and told me he would call me soon.  He likes my business ideas and thinks we should meet again to discuss them further.  Cari dropped the kids off and I made sure I was in bed before Röb got home.  I feel very confused.  I have certainly had men interested in me before, but never anyone I find so interesting.  It would kill Kathy if she ever found out that her husband kissed me. LOL.





A Reunion of Friends

Do you have people in your life who just exhaust you?  I am not talking about the ones who are a little bit annoying, or the ones who just don’t know better.  I am talking about people who are sure they are better than you and lord it over you every single minute, even though you know that they are not better than you at all?  Those people?  Let me tell you about my weekend.

Stefan, Röbby’s best friend since forever, was in town last week for a meeting with some investors.  I am not really clear about what he does for a living, but it is entrepreneurialish and he makes a lot of money. He had to stay in a downtown hotel during the week and then moved over to one of our guest rooms on Friday.  Of course his wife, Kathy had to make a big effing deal about how important she is at work (adjunct faculty at a community college) and couldn’t make it until Saturday morning.  Who cares?  She is a pill.

Stefan is completely delightful and we had so much fun Friday night with some burgers on the grill and a little trip down memory lane with Röbby.  I had Röb’s mother send over some funny photos of the boys growing up and we just laughed and laughed.  I also found some videos that they had made as teenagers.  They thought they were going to join the cast of Jackass apparently.  I left them downstairs with those and a case of IPAs and went upstairs and watched chick flicks.  I don’t think Röbby made it up before 3 AM, but they had such fun.

Also, did I mention? Kinda hot.

Also, did I mention? Kinda hot

It is amazing how damaging an unhappy woman can be to a happy get together…

Kathy showed up on Saturday morning in total “look at me” mode.  Oh look at the special and expensive hostess gift I bought you!  Aren’t I special, watching football with the men instead of hanging out with the other gal in the house?  Look how much I know about everything!

By dinner time I was DONE.  I had spent a lot of time picking up the side dishes from the catererers and it was not easy to get the Merlin to fold the napkins the way I wanted him to.  Hostessing, especially hostessing a someone like Kathy, is exhausting.  They were planning to  go and meet a couple of people from the PhD program she and Röb had been in together after dinner and I felt a lil’ my grain coming on.  Then I heard her outside (helping the guys cook the steaks, of course) asking Röbby if he had been in touch with Claire.

Rude bitch. Yes, that is what she wore to go out. "Look how much more casual I can be!"

Rude bitch. Yes, that is what she wore to go out. “Look how much more casual I can be!” You look like a moose, Kathy.

What the heck?!  Röbert is happily married with a beautiful home and a beautiful wife and a beautiful daughter and two sons!  He even has a dog!  He is NOT thinking about his dreary old girlfriend.  I am sure Kathy talks to her all of the time and has to listen to her pining away for the “one who got away”, but that is not Röb’s problemo. Was Claire going to be in the group they were meeting later?  That I wanted to see.

Good bye my grain!  I ran upstairs and threw on some skinny jeans and a cute top I had in my closet and came down to join them.

You should have seen Röbert's and Stefan's faces when I came back down. You should also have seen Kathy's LOL. Game, set, match community college instructor!

You should have seen Röbert’s and Stefan’s faces when I came back down. You should also have seen Kathy’s LOL. Game, set, match, community college instructor!

The rest of the night was pretty dull until I got their fat friend Brad to do a few too many shots and twerk with Krystyn, who was at the bar with some of her friends.  Brad’s wife is also a real sourpuss, by the way.  Claire was not there after all (at some kind of dig thing in Spain or something) but I had forgotten how popular I was with the other guys in the PhD program.

I think Kathy was hoping Röbert would regret dropping out and taking a job in software sales to get married, but obviously he has a wonderful life.  I wonder why she is so bitter?