Tag Archives: sports

Sports Fans

I have never really cared for sports, except going to the gym, which I love.  There is just something so boring about watching sports.  Röbert likes outdoor sports like hiking and riding his bicycle and other water things (ugh, kayaking) but he will still sit down and watch sports that have nothing to do with mountains on television if I don’t stop him.  You should have seen him with college basketball a few weeks ago.  It was crazy!

When I discovered Merlin playing soccer last week I was so surprised.  I mentioned it to Cari later to see what she thought about it and she was also shocked that a child who was as intellectual as Merlin could also be an athlete, but she reminded me how popular the athletes were in high school and that sounded like a good thing to me.  Karen’s sons both played sports in high school, but I don’t think they were very good.  In fact, I remember her telling me that Clement always “rode the bench” in baseball.  It might be fun to have a jock in the family!

I tried to sign him up for soccer but they only have a travel team in the spring and they try out in February.  Jeanie, the woman who I spoke to at the league, was quite rude when I tried to explain how good he was.  She said something about people who sign up to coach and then quit, which I totally had to do because I have lots of other obligations, which I didn’t take into account.  Anyway, we can sign up for the fall and try out in June, I think.  I can’t wait to wipe the smirk off of Jeanie’s dumb face.

I thought it would be nice for him to try an American sport, so I called the baseball league and they have already started their season too, but they agreed to put him on one of their regular league teams.  Röbert was surprisingly enthusiastic and actually went shopping, only it was at the sports store.  They spent yesterday morning out at the field practicing and Merlin had his first game last night.  He did not ride the bench, and he hit the ball once while I was watching, but it was a foul or something.  He was so happy, though, which is, of course, the most important thing to me.

After he and Röbert practiced this morning.  The equipment is so expensive.  I think he can do some work to pay me back, though.

After he and Röbert practiced this morning. The equipment is so expensive. I think he can do some work to pay me back, though.

The whole thing started me thinking about what kind of elite sports he could be really good at if I had thought to start him a bit younger.  I immediately signed Hummus up for “toddler tennis”.  I only had to fudge his age slightly.  He and I went and hung out at the courts yesterday afternoon and the other parents were right up my alley.  Slightly intense, but in a good way.  And I think Hummus will be really good at it, once he figures out what he is supposed to do with the racket.

This picture makes him look like he is hitting the ball, which is why I posted it all over social media.  The other ones you could tell he was a lil' confused.

This picture makes him look like he is hitting the ball, which is why I posted it all over social media. The other ones you could tell he was a lil’ confused.

I have to ask the trainers at the gym about conditioning for tennis, baseball and soccer!


I have some really terrific news; those soccer guys did not go on strike.    Today there were actual live soccer games and I bought myself a ticket to one so I could experience a little European culture.

It was quite a long drive to the game, and boy, was it ever cold out when I got there.  I decided I should get a little exercise to keep myself warm, so I walked up and down every set of steps in the stadium.  It sounds easier than it was, actually.

There were more people there than you would think.

There were more people there than you would think.

The game itself is practically unwatchable.  The rules make about as much sense as a physics textbook, and there was practically no scoring.  What the hell was I even supposed to cheer for?  I did get a lot of exercise and then I left.

I didn’t see anyone I know.