Tag Archives: smoky eyes

Beach Day

I have been so horrified about the whole bra “thing” that happened in San Jose.  I can not imagine what went on that I ended up removing my clothes and actually LOSING my bra.  Ugh!  Mortifying.  But last night I decided to make it up to Röbert (even though he will hopefully never find out about the bra thing) so I sent to kids to bed extra early and guess what he found when he got home from work?

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This morning we decided to head over to the beach for the day.  Merlin just wanted to wear a junky looking swim suit, but I like my family to look nice at all times so I got him dressed up and we headed over to what I like to call paradise.  LOL

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One of my take aways from the conference is that I need to take more time for me so I brought my friend with me to watch the kids so I could relax and enjoy myself.

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After a lovely afternoon Röbert and i headed off for some cocktails at the waterfront.  My friend was more than happy to take my lil’ angles home and get them cleaned up and fed and put to bed.  What a great way to unwind.

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How do you rewind after a crazy week?