Tag Archives: secretary

Ugh! Gifted Class!

This morning I called the school, as per usual, about the gifted class and Starling.  Well, you won’t even believe what they said!  The secretary lady (I don’t know her name, why would I?) said, “If I put her in the God damned class will you stop calling me?”  Of course I said yes!  I was so thrilled that they had finally recognized which one of my lil’ angles belongs in that class.  I was walking on a cloud all day.  That would show those other moms.

Then Starling got home and told me that they had pulled her from her homeroom to go to the “nerd cave” with Merlin and all of his weird friends.  She was very upset.  I told her that I would call the school and ask to have Merlin removed from the class since he really doesn’t need it anyway.  But she was adamant that Merlin wasn’t even close to the worst of them.  That surprised me!

She finally stopped crying when I gave her a $20 bill.

She finally stopped crying when I gave her a $20 bill.

I don’t want my baby girl unhappy, so I called the school right back and told them that Starling does not want to be in the gifted class with the nerds.  The secretary lady put me on hold and I swear I could hear her laughing in the background for about ten minutes while I just waited.  I gave her a piece of my mind when she picked the phone back up, but she put the phone back down and started laughing again.  So rude!  I finally hung up on her.  That will show her.

I ended up putting the big kids to bed a little bit early because I was so exhausted but I let Hummus play in the bathtub for a couple of hours while I had my book group (or should I say wine group, lol) over.  I had actually forgotten he was there and Mariel was very surprised when she heard splashing from behind the shower curtain, lol.

Such a good baby.

Such a good baby.