Tag Archives: scared dog

Missing Dog! Again!

I had an extremely unpleasant wake-up call this morning.  At the crack of dawn, 9:45 or so, my doorbell rang and it was Karen Sullivan!  Röbert was out running with Beefy, so I had to answer the door and talk to her.  How inconvenient for me.

Anyway, sometime yesterday, while she and Renata were lounging around her backyard together, Ty’s dog, Dementor, escaped from his house.  Renata was supposed to do one thing, and that was to take care of his beloved dog while Ty was away, and she completely, completely failed at that.

I don’t know why Karen thought I would have seen Dementor. I guess probably because I was so good at finding Beefeater when she kept losing him last year, but she seemed a lil’ accusatory, and I certainly took offense!

Jesus on toast!  I'd feel bad for her if she hadn't proven herself to be a complete and total snake, many times!

Jesus on toast! I’d feel bad for her if she hadn’t proven herself to be a complete and total snake, many times!

Anywho, she said that Renata had been up all night looking for Dementor, and she was going to look for a couple of more hours before letting Ty know, because we all know how much he loves that lil’ guy.

After she left I had a thought.  Renata was at Karen’s yesterday when we got home from dropping off Merlin.  Maybe Ty actually took the dog to camp with him.  Of course I texted him to check it out.  “Hey Ty.  I was wondering whether you took Dementor with you?  He hasn’t been seen since you left and I have been beside myself about it.  Renata seemed to have a nice day sunbathing yesterday.  Hugs.”

I didn’t hear back from him right away.  He probably wanted to check in with Renata about her tan or something.  I was going through some pictures I took of Hummus yesterday to pick one out for an online “Beautiful Baby” contest and guess what I spotted in the background of one?

Can you see him?  That dog is running for his life!

Can you see him? That dog is running for his life!

Poor Dementor looks terrified!  If I had noticed him running by, I am not sure i would have felt comfortable putting him back in the care of Renata.  She clearly was abusing him like she used to abuse babies.

I am getting more and more worried about Ty!