Tag Archives: ruined yard

Clean Up Time

I guess Renata decided that she had caused enough destruction in Ty’s life for one week.  I took the doggies on a run past his house this morning and it looks like she tried to clean up a little, but the yard is pretty much destroyed and it looks like she had some workmen doing repairs inside the home too.  What is wrong with her?  Ty is such a nice man and she treats him terribly!

Beefy kicked the bags and they sounded like they are mostly bottles.  I am going to let that chatty religious lady who stands downtown handing out pamphlets about alcoholism and drug abuse know Renata's phone number and address so she can spend some time counseling her.

Beefy kicked the bags and they sounded like they are mostly bottles. I am going to let that chatty religious lady who stands downtown handing out pamphlets about alcoholism and drug abuse know Renata’s phone number and address so she can spend some time counseling her.

Meanwhile, Renata’s car is gone and I can’t imagine she will want to be there when Ty gets home tomorrow.  There is no reason for her to be there either, since St. Lah Lee stepped in once again to save the day, and take care of the dog. All the dogs really.  I have heard from many, many dog owners thanking me for finding their pets today.

Happy to be in a safe and loving home after the horrors of his week in the care of Renata, the snake.

Happy to be in a safe and loving home after the horrors of his week in the care of Renata, the snake.