Tag Archives: PTO

Big Meeting

Apparently someone at school (Margie) has been complaining that I am delegating all of my PTO work.  Of course I am.  That stuff is boring.  I was called by the school secretary yesterday and told to come to a meeting this morning with the PTO board and the school administrators.

I know that the most important thing about these meetings is to look put together, so I bought myself a darling suit.

Business lady ready to take care of business.

Business lady ready to take care of business.

Margie was looking surprisingly smug when I got there.  The principal asked if the charges were true and of course I said yes, that I am very good at delegating.  Then I asked if there was any problem with the quality or the timing of the work.  Apparently the only problem they had was with some of the fundraising stuff I had asked Margie to do, so I told her to drop it and I would ask that cute new family in the kindergarten to take care of it instead.  Problem solved.

I wasn’t even late for Cross Fit.

School Work

Sometimes I feel like now that I have all of this power I can wield at school, I no longer want it.  It is a lot of work being the vice president of the PTO, and, although I am an expert delegator, I still have to attend boring meetings and find people to delegate to.

I had a meeting with Merlin’s teacher Ty this morning.  He usually is so much fun to be with, but lately even he has been a little bit boring.  I still consider him a close friend, but I wish he would pick himself up a bit and maybe start dating someone really nice.  Starling’s teacher, Ms Cole has a darling roommate who she has lived with for years.  I think she would make a lovely girlfriend for Ty!

I know some of the moms think he is good looking, but I have never seen it.  He is just my old buddy , Ty.  I am glad I don't make a fool of myself over him like Jennifer Walker does!  Ooof! So embarrassing.

I know some of the moms think he is good looking, but I have never seen it. He is just my old buddy , Ty. I am glad I don’t make a fool of myself over him like Jennifer Walker does! Ooof! So embarrassing.

I wonder if there is a way to resign my position?  Maybe if Merlin had a athletic career ending injury  everyone would understand.

Arduous Work

This morning, when I dropped by the school to tell some other parents what to do, I was asked by Miss Laphem, the school secretary,  where Cari has been.  The school has been trying to reach her and of course she is off the grid at Burning Man.

When I tried to explain how Burning Man was an amazing, conciousness raising event, Miss Laphem actually quite rudely interupted me and informed me that there was a PTO meeting in one hour.  I was surprised.  I thought that schedule of meetings was just a guideline, and Cari and I could say when and where we want to meet.  Apparently not.  I tried to explain how I had barre and then a luncheon with my book club and then cross fit and Miss Laphem replied, “Well then Cari had better get her ass home from Burning Man, hadn’t she.”

Wow.  Just wow.  I had no Idea Miss Laphem could be so spicy.

What else could I do?  I ran home and changed into a more PTO vice presidential outfit and headed back.  Thank God Krystyn was in charge of the agenda, because otherwise I would have been lost.

I was pretty late, but it is never too late for a selfie when you are wearing a cute new outfit.

I was pretty late, but it is never too late for a selfie when you are wearing a cute new outfit.

It turns out that Cari and I were also supposed to be planning a party for the faculty this Friday.  It is an annual event called “Second Friday”, although I am sure I can come up with something better, and when I was asked where it was going to be I had no idea and blurted out, “My house.”  Oh dear.  I guess I’d better call some caterers.

School Daze

This morning was the big day!  Merlin and Starling headed back to school bright and early this morning.  Cari and I decided it was important that we show up and let the parents know that we are in charge this year, so I had to get up at 7:30 AM in order to get my hair and makeup done for my first meet & greet with my constituents.  It is practically still dark out that early!

We stood in the cafeteria with some coffee and cookies that the cafeteria ladies had provided and people could come in and meet us if they chose to.  Krystyn, Cari and I couldn’t stop laughing about an overweight woman we had seen at barre yesterday and, while a few women poked their noses in, no one seemed to want to stay.  It’s just as well; they all seemed pretty dreary.  Speaking of dreary, Margie was hanging out with the cafeteria ladies and, of course knows all of their names and asked them about their families.  What a show-off.

Röbert got a quick photo of the kids before we left for school.

Several people mentioned how skinny Starling looks and Krystyn called her "emaciated". She was thrilled, of course!

Several people mentioned how skinny Starling looks and Krystyn called her “emaciated”. She was thrilled, of course!

We already knew that Ty would be Merlin’s teacher again, but Starling has Miss Cole, who is known for being pretty strict.  I am sure Starling will charm the strict right out of her.  LOL!  Poor Amber got a new teacher named Mrs. Dingus.  LOL LOL!  How will the children keep a straight face?  If your last name is Dingus you should prroabably change it before you start teaching.  Starling and Amber were making up funny little songs about Mrs. Dingus the whole way home from school.  Adorable!  Merlin couldn’t stop talking about some special project he is starting with mentoring or something.  Oh well, at least it makes him happy.

Hummus apparently slept his morning away at the gym.  That kid must be growing, because he just can’t quit sleeping.

Amber is staying for dinner so Cari can finish packing for their little trip to the desert.  We sure are going to miss them.



Prepare for Complete World Domination

At the end of last year Cari and I thought it would be super fun for her to run the PTO at the school for this year.  Unfortunately, at that time, only one person was running for president; Alison Ramapo, who has been running the PTO at good ol’ Donald Rumsfeld Elementary for about a century.  She has six kids and even Margie says she had the last two because she doesn’t want to give up the PTO reins of power.  She has a lot of support in the community and the administration likes her, so it seemd like an uphill battle.  Cari is such a positive person, and we felt like the results of our end of year party would speak for themselves, so she threw her hat in the ring anyway.

At the last meeting of the year we had a ballot box and Miss Laphem from the front office took it away to count.  The next day we heard the sad news; Alison won by a landslide.  Poor Cari.  But, when Cari stopped by the school, Miss Laphem admitted that there had been “irregularities” in the vote, and the administration was looking into it.  Apparently the final count was 1,461 to 2.  There were only 12 people at that meeting.

Why on earth would Alison stuff the ballot box in that way?  No one will ever know, I guess.  Perhaps her hunger for power overwhelmed her common sense.  She claimed to know nothing about it, but who else would do such a thing?  Yesterday the principal called Cari to let her know that she will be president this year and she was free to appoint her own right hand gal to be her vice president.  Watch out Rummy Elementary, the A-team is here!

Krystyn was already elected treasurer (unopposed, who would want it?) and Margie is the secretary once again.  I am so excited to wield this unprecedented power in a responsible and thoughtful manner.

This morning Cari and I had a lil’ exec meeting/mimosa party to make sure we are on the same page about what we want to achieve this year.

I think we got a lot accomplished.  The main thing is we don't want Fat Alice's stupid mom to have any position of power at all.

I think we got a lot accomplished. The main thing is we don’t want Fat Alice’s stupid mom to have any position of power at all.

Meanwhile, the girlies were outside planning ther own year.  They will be going back as fifth graders in just two more weeks!  I will miss having my lil’ mini-me around so much!

They are hoping that Alcott will join with them to make Sylvia's year really miserable.  She should never have called my darling a bully!

They are hoping that Alcott will join with them to make Sylvia’s year really miserable. She should never have called my darling a bully!

I guess it is just one more responsibilty for St. Lah Lee!  It is worth it to me to improve the education for all of the children in our community, even the dumb ones and the unattractive ones.