Tag Archives: pretty lady

Pretty Lady

This morning I just got dressed like any gal from my town generally does; cute running shoes, a pair of form-fitting athletic shorts and a scoop t-shirt for running my errands and going to the gym for a few minutes while the kids slept in.  Everywhere I went it seemed like people were calling out, “Hey pretty lady!” to me.  I had never noticed it before.  I guess it is so common for people to refer to me as a “pretty lady” that it became part of the background noise in my life.  But today I decided to really listen!  It is nice to be reminded that even at my most basic level of “dressing up”, people still see my loveliness inside and out!  Especially the guys working on the bank building across from the Starbucks.  They noticed me and appreciated me all 11 times I jogged by.

I wasn't even dressed up at all, and it wasn't stupid half-blind little children.  I suppose I do look pretty, especially when compared to some people who are considered fitness trainers in my lil' neck of the woods.

I wasn’t even dressed up at all, and it wasn’t stupid half-blind little children. I suppose I do look pretty, especially when compared to some people who are considered fitness trainers in my lil’ neck of the woods.

Rotten Kid

I can not even believe the story that Merlin just told me!  I swear that kid will be the ruin of me, someday.  I was working at my computer and just happened to have a picture of Renata up on the screen. I am not sure how it even got there. Merlin, who had snuck up behind me again, said, “Hey look!  It is the pretty lady!”

Apparently last fall he had stayed after school to do something with Mr. Williams (Ty to me, but Merlin has to call him Mr. Williams because he is his teacher, LOL) and when Mr. Williams was dropping him off, I wasn’t home.  I must have been out doing something important or tending to some emergency or something.  Anywho, Merlin told Mr. Williams that he could drop him off at the Sullivans’ house instead.

When they got inside, according to Merlin, Karen was doing “gym class” with a pretty lady and he said to Ty, “Hey Mr. Williams, look at that pretty lady!”  I am sure everyone laughed and that would have been that, but no.

A few weeks later, or days, who knows, Ty took Merlin to the park to kick the soccer ball and Merlin saw “the pretty lady” reading a book on the grass.  Of course the little wretch had to run over and say “hi” to Mrs. Sullivan’s friend. Then he called Ty over and said,”Remember the pretty lady who plays gym with Mrs. Sullivan?  Don’t you think she is pretty, Mr. Williams?”  Of course Ty had to say yes, what else could he do?  I am sure it was mortifying for everyone.  Somehow Renata forced her phone number into Ty’s phone at that meeting (I am sure that wasn’t so pretty) and he must have felt obligated to call her because, as Merlin tells it, he came into the classroom the next day and told Merlin that he had a date with the pretty lady for dinner that night.

My own rotten little brat introduced Ty to the woman who will be his downfall, and never bothered to tell me about it.

He looks like a normal kid, but honestly?  So annoying most of the time.  Of course i love him to pieces, but often want to tear him to pieces at the same time.  Motherhood!

He looks like a normal kid, but honestly? So annoying most of the time. Of course i love him to pieces, but often want to tear him to pieces at the same time. Motherhood!

In other news, I think I’d better make an appointment to get his eyes checked.  Pretty lady?