Tag Archives: preschool

Going Camping

Cari and Amber are looking forward to their favorite event of the year, Burning Man!  We sure will miss them, and Amber will miss the first couple of weeks of school, but it is such a wonderful educational opportunity for their family, and they wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Of course Starling wants to go with them..  She has been crying and complaining that she can’t start school without her lil’ buddy.  I am not a camper and Röbert does not think Burning Man is a good use of our resources, so we will not be joining them this year.  I suggested to Röbert that we shake Starling out of her funk by letting her experience camping with him.  So the two of them set out for a Daddy-Daughter 3 day hike and camping trip early this morning.  Starling was all dressed in festival wear, including some darling fringed boots.

I think the moment Röbert digs a hole in the woods and tells her that is her toilet, is the moment they will be heading home.

I think the moment Röbert digs a hole in the woods and tells her that is her toilet, is the moment they will be heading home.

Of course that means that I am a single mom again.  I don’t know how i do everything!  I took the boys over to the park to do a little fishing today.  I didn’t bait their hooks because, eeew, so there was no chance I would end up cleaning a disgusting fish, but it kept them occupied for a few hours so I could catch up with my friends at a semi-nearby picnic table.

He couldn't figure out why nothing was biting. LOL! Who is the smart one now?

He couldn’t figure out why nothing was biting. LOL! Who is the smart one now?

I did call the preschool about Hummus and the director was so rude.  She said she hadn’t called me back because she thought I was joking.  The nerve!  Well, her oldest will be in the kindergarten at Rumsfeld Elementary this fall, and we will see how that goes!

Oh, you can vote for Hummus in the Cute Kid contest every day in August.  I have perused the other entries and they aren’t much to speak of.  I wish I could get a hold of their parents and encourage them to just give it up.


Preschool Hopes

Merlin and Starling both attended this wonderful preschool in town, where all of the better families send their children.  Hummus is only just two, but I feel like he is ready for preschool now.  He is so bright and inquisitive.  He still isn’t speaking, but that is totally normal, I am sure, and he can get into mischief like all other children his age.

Oh, Hummus! You are such an acrobat!

Oh, Hummus! You are such an acrobat!

I have sent a letter to the new director at the school, encouraging her to waive the requirements for admissions for us.  They say he must be three and potty trained.  I don’t think that applies in our case because he is ready for school and his brother is a freaking genius.  Keep your fingers crossed because this director has also started a program where children can be dropped off early and stay until six.

I ran out to the farmer’s market yesterday and guess who was there?  That viper, Renata.  She had no ring and was wearing glasses, probably to hide her puffy eyes.  Her hair was a mess but her skin condition has improved.  Good for her!

