Tag Archives: pool party

Fireworks on the Lake

Röbert and I had words last night about Karen.  Of course he agrees with me that she is pathetic and gross, but he wants me to be “the better person” and just ignore her.  For some reason he thought I would somehow try to ruin her lil’ party.  What am I? Magical Lah Lee?  I can just grow wings and fly back home?  I let him know that I was so far above those kinds of high jinx and I was insulted he thought I would consider wasting one second of my time on Karen “Fat Ass” Sullivan and her stupid party.

We had a magical evening on the lake, eating a picnic Röbby had ordered from the local gourmet shop and drinking cocktails on the dock.  He is truly the best father and hubby the world has ever known, and he loves me so much. The kids were jumping in the water, but fortunately they knew enough to jump off the part of the dock that wouldn’t get me wet.  As it got darker you could see boats pulling up to the middle of the lake for fireworks.  I wanted a boat!  The boats are so cute and I really want one.  The dock was great, of course, but a nice little boat would make it even better!

The boats look like fun.  I wish I'd had a boat.

The boats look like fun. I wish I’d had a boat.

We slept in this morning and then headed home.  I had a lil’ my grain but Röbert took the kids to this breakfast diner for flapjacks while I took a nap in the car.  Flapjacks sound so old timey western.  Are they like griddle cakes or something?

Cari stopped by to show me pictures from the black tie dinner last night.  Apparently Sammi got drunk and kissed a couple of the husbands.  We might need a new person for our lil’ book group!  If you like high minded literature and champagne tastings, let me know.

Cari had also happened to stop by my yard to make sure no one was stealing my lawn furniture and snapped a photo of Karen’s lil’ event from up in my copper maple.

Gosh, that looks like a wild party.  I am heartbroken that I wasn't invited.

Gosh, that looks like a wild party. I am heartbroken that I wasn’t invited.

I don’t see anyone I know, not that I thought my friends would attend that kind of party.  I just worry about her bringing the wrong element into my back yard, literally.

Back to School Fun

Today was the back to school pool party for the whole school.  I decided Merlin would not go because he is so clumsy and always tripping and would probably end up hurting someone.  Starling had a marvelous time with her friends though!

All smiles!  That's my girl!

All smiles! That’s my girl!

I decided that instead of letting Merlin read a book in the car, he would probably be fine at home alone for a few hours.  We’d already tried it a few times this summer and he hasn’t burned the house down yet, LOL!  Just try to imagine how disappointed I was to find him jumping on the bed in the guest room when I got home!  That boy is a handful!

Naughty as always!

Naughty as always!

I have decided I am a photographer and maybe since my Mommy advice thing didn’t pan out (I had lots and lots of clients VERY interested, I just kept forgetting to think of good advice) I will be a professional photographer.  If you need a family photo, I am your girl.  I took a few of Starling and Hummus for a portfolio of sorts, but I think anyone who has seen my blog knows that I am no amateur!

Naked pictures are so artistic!

Naked pictures are so artistic!

Of course I couldn’t use Merlin because of that blasted knee bandaid!

Oh, and by the way haters, I don’t need to hear about how I am “exploiting” my children by posting naked photos for perverts to look at.  I am their Mom and I know what is best FOR THEM.  I will not tell you how to raise your children, so don’t you tell me how to exploit mine.  Stepping off my soapbox!