Tag Archives: play

A Thanksgiving Performance

Today was the last day of preschool before the holiday and they had a lil’ performance for us.  I am annoyed that the school isn’t open until Wednesday, like the big kids’ school, but the show was so cute, I almost forgive them.  I will have to be up early to make sure Hummus is the first one at childcare at the gym tomorrow!

Hummus’s part in the play was one off the savages.  He was wonderful in the part!

He looked adorable and the spear he carried was very sharp. The older boys made them and helped the younger ones to spear squirrels with them last week.

He looked adorable and the spear he carried was very sharp. The older boys made them and helped the younger ones to spear squirrels with them last week.  I love hands on learning even if the blood was a little upsetting to Hummus.

Each child colored their own program for their parents.  I think Hummus shows a lot of growth in coloring this year!

Some of the other moms were showing off with their perfectly colored programs, but if you have 11 kids odds are one of them will be a coloring prodigy. Honestly.

Some of the other moms were showing off with their perfectly colored programs, but if you have 11 kids odds are one of them will be a coloring prodigy. Honestly.

He looked like he was exhausted afterward, so I dropped him with the cleaning ladies I hired to spruce things up a bit before Thursday and ran off to do some pre-Black Friday browsing at the jewelry store.  i wonder what Cari and Röb found for me?  The cleaning crew seemed upset when I got home but it was hard to understand what they were going on about.  Honestly, Thanksgiving is such a lot of work!  I think I have a my grain.