Tag Archives: Mr. Williams

Yoga Time

So today was the day I was scheduled to demonstrate yoga for Merlin’s genius class.  I went in a lil’ bit early and got all set up in the classroom.  I was surprisingly nervous.

The children were still at lunch when I got there.

The children were still at lunch when I got there.

Unfortunately I got a my grain and had to leave suddenly.  I hope Ty wasn’t too upset to find me gone.

When I got home Hummus had another tumble.  Maybe I should stop putting him up on high surfaces to photograph him.  What do you think?

Two seconds later he was on the floor crying with blood everywhere.  Oh well.

Two seconds later he was on the floor crying with blood everywhere. Oh well.

I think I earned an extra glass (or three) of vino tonight.

Guitar Mix-Up

Merlin has been playing the guitar for a couple of months now and already it sounds less like caterwauling and more like actual music.  Röbert said that we should let him return the guitar that Ty loaned us and buy him a decent instrument of his own.  Have you looked at the prices for guitars lately?  They are outrageous!  I found one that I was sure was fine and it was shaped like a dog.  Merlin loves dogs, so I ordered it.  It is adorable and I am sure he will grow to love it.

So cute and it matches his new dog theme bedding.

So cute and it matches his new dog theme bedding.

When Röbert got home from work he was furious because he said it is not a real guitar, it is a toy.  I am sure I have no idea what the difference is.  I was just trying to save money.  Ugh

Starling was invited to a slumber party this Friday at her friend Martha’s house.  She was so excited since Martha and her mother have been a bit cool to us lately, so I went out and bought her all new Frozen pajamas and sleeping bag and pillow for her big night out.  She is thrilled.

Someone said Merlin is the only one who ever smiles.  Look at this lil' angle beaming and suck it, hater!

Someone said Merlin is the only one who ever smiles. Look at this lil’ angle beaming and suck it, hater!

Weekend Magic

It was so nice to have Röbert home for the weekend.  Yesterday he did some chores around the house while I had lunch with my friends and went to the gym for pilates, spin and some time chatting with this hilarious new gal in my morning stretch class in the steam room.  Then I came home and watched this a very heartwarming Lifetime movie while Röbert took Starling to her soccer tournament and then dropped Merlin at the twins’ house for a playdate and picked up the dry cleaning and did a lil’ grocery shopping.  This morning I was able to indulge in a lil’ late wake up and when I came down Röbert and Merlin were making a big brunch for everyone.  Family weekends are the best!

You can't even believe the mess they made but I made sure they cleaned up too!

You can’t even believe the mess they made but I made sure they cleaned up too!

The Gifted Class has asked all of the parents to come in and share their talents.  I told Mr. Williams (Ty to me!) that he should ask Röbert to come in because I am sure he has many talents to show off, mountain hiking or some such.  Apparently Röbert has already been in and played the drums.  I forgot he could do that.  Now it is my turn.  I am not sure which talent I should share.  It is hard to show dog saving in an elementary school classroom without endangering the children.  Likewise ordering off the menu at a cafe is not particularly interesting to young children.  Maybe I could do yoga?

Although I only started last week I have already taken 17 classes so I am quite experienced.  Turn up the furnace Principal Hannigan, the queen of Bikram is coming!

Although I only started last week I have already taken 17 classes so I am quite experienced. Turn up the furnace Principal Hannigan, the queen of Bikram is coming!


I have always known that if I tried yoga I would be marvelous at it because I am very spiritual and all.  I just have not had the time.  Last week Mr. Williams said he did it so of course I told him how much I also enjoy yoga.  He asked me where I go and luckily I remembered where my friend Aileen goes (because she never shuts up about it) and told him I go to her studio.  Well, how funny, it is his studio too.  So of course since I have been meaning to get started I have taken a bunch of classes this week.  I haven’t seen Mr. Williams, I mean Ty, (since we are more like friends now he asked me to call him by his first name) there yet, but I am not sure which classes he takes.  Maybe hot yoga?

After school today I put a movie on for the kids (Frozen…they are so hypnotized by it they never know whether I am here or on the moon) and ran over to a park on the other side of town to practice yoga.  You won’t even believe it, it is right next to Mr. William’s home!  What a coincidence.  I saw him as he got home and of course he admired my form and we chatted for a few minutes.  I am still not sure about the girlfriend.  It would be so, so nice for him if he had a nice girlfriend.

I am very zen.

I am very zen.

When I got home Merlin and Starling were pretty wound up about the movie and followed me around the house singing.  It gave me a my grain so I put a lil’ Benadryl in their apple juice and poured myself a glass of wine.  No sense being annoyed after a wonderful healing activity.

Please, let it go...away.

Please, let it go…away.


This morning I went for a nice jog in my best sports bra and exercise gear and I just happened to end up in front of the children’s school.  I had a charley horse or something, hopefully not shin splints, but something, so I stopped to stretch.

I just love my photo editing software!

I just love my photo editing software!

I stretched for about 45 minutes and you will never guess who I happened to see arriving at school!  Mr. Williams! LOL. I told him that people would start talking if we kept running into each other like this!  He asked me who was at home getting the children ready for school.  That reminded me that I had probably better get home to get them ready for school.  LOL!

He looks like he might climb mountains too!

He looks like he might climb mountains too!

After school I asked our new neighbor, Mrs. Wozinski, to watch the kids for an hour or so, while i went to a business meeting.  I didn’t really have a business meeting, but I wanted to try the new tea shop downtown that Mr. Williams mentioned to me last week.  Starling was so upset and started crying and actually spat at Stella Wozinski.  Oh well, mommy is a busy bee! Unfortunately the tea shop closes at 6 PM so after I got dressed nicely and found a parking space etc, it was almost time for it to close.

I had to run to get there before it closed.

I had to run to get there before it closed.

I arrived at 5:59 and sat down.  The employees were so rude though!  I sat there for an hour and they were actually cleaning up around me.  It was as if I was an imposition to them. I did not leave a tip.  I didn’t see anyone I knew there.

When I got home I did the most embarrassing thing, though. I had bought a cute nightie to replace the pajamas that disappeared and I decided to send a photo to Robert but I sent it to Mr. Williams by mistake instead!  I hope he wasn’t too shocked!

This is cute, right?

This is cute, right?

Merlin is Rebellious

I was so angry with Merlin this morning. I always put out his clothes on his bureau the night before, so he will dress nicely for school.  This morning he came down  in a really ugly sweatshirt.  I had no idea where it came from.  He told me that one of the Harris twins had let him borrow it.  I told him to take it RIGHT off, but he said that it was “cool”.  He had the nerve to say that the outfit I had chosen for him was babyish and he refused to put it on.  I pointed out to him that it had a bulldozer on the front and babies do NOT drive bulldozers.  Wow!  I am not happy with this new streak of independence.  I made him change and put him on the school bus crying.  I told him that acting like a crybaby is babyish, not wearing a nice and very expensive shirt with a truck theme.

Wow!  Ugly!

Wow! Ugly!

Meanwhile Starling looked beautiful, dressed like an angel like always.

She just makes other children look like trolls. What a beauty!

She just makes other children look like trolls. What a beauty!

The school has been calling all morning.  Like I said, I never take those calls, but maybe I should?  I don’t know.  Maybe Mr. Williams needs to talk to me about Merlin’s naughty streak.

I think I have a my grain again.

Harvest Time

I just love this time of year with the pumpkin coffee and pumpkin beer and pumpkin bread. Everything tastes like pumpkin!

Yesterday morning I went shopping for some new shoes and a few cute outfits.  After that, I decided to go to a farm and buy some cider or something.  I was so surprised that Mr. Williams was working there, demonstrating the cider press to tourists.  He may have told me he works there and I just forgot or something.

I just happened to be in the neighborhood.

I just happened to be in the neighborhood.

He seemed very happy to see me.

When I got home I asked Hummus to stand for me, but he still will not.  I think it might be a power struggle!  I know he can stand but he just will not!

I thought he was going to fall off the table, which would serve him right!

I thought he was going to fall off the table, which would serve him right!


Halloween Update

Yesterday, when I went to Starling and Merlin’s school for the Halloween parade, Mr. Williams, Merlin’s gifted class teacher, asked me to come to his room.  I totally misjudged him, he actually seems like a really nice person.

He wanted to talk to me about Merlin’s Professor Snake costume.  Apparently I didn’t lose it, Merlin had put it in his book bag and was planning to wear it for the Halloween parade.  Mr. Williams wanted to make sure that was ok with me. LOL!  As if I actually care about that sort of thing! I let Mr. Williams know that I am NOT a controlling mom AT ALL!  It makes me laugh to imagine anyone would think that of me.


As a matter of fact, Starling had decided at the last minute to change her costume too!

Super Starling had changed her mind again!

Super Starling had changed her mind again!

Mr. Williams was wearing the Head Wizard costume and it was nice to see that Merlin seems to like him.

Very magical. right?

Very magical. right?

I wonder if he has a girlfriend.  He seems like he probably does but I can’t figure out if he does.  I hope he does because he is a very nice man.

Spooky Halloween

It has been really difficult to get Halloween costumes figured out this year.  First of all, Starling couldn’t decide so I ended up buying her a bunch of costumes and just letting her pick at the last minute.  She decided to be a cowgirl!  Adorbs!

This costume cost a fortune, but so worth it.

This costume cost a fortune, but so worth it.

Merlin actually came home from school with a costume.  His class has been reading a book called Henry Potter and had voted to all dress in costumes from the story as a class.  Mr. Williams is very understanding about my busy schedule and gave Merlin a costume to be Professor Snake.  I asked if Snake was the hero and Merlin said no!  I was outraged.  I tossed the costume in a drawer or something and couldn’t find it this morning.  Luckily I had an old homemade horse costume that Karen had given me awhile ago that went perfectly with Starling’s costume.  Problem solved.  Merlin was upset but, oh well.  The tail kind of looks like a donkey tail, but let’s call it a horse so he doesn’t start crying like a baby again.

So much better than being a minor character in a book no one has ever heard of.

So much better than being a minor character in a book no one has ever heard of.

My costume was the hardest to find!  I really wanted to be something historical so I looked for a sexy suffragette costume everywhere.  They just don’t seem to make them.  I ended up with a slutty Puritan costume which is cute, but not quite what I had in mind.  I am looking forward to wearing it at the children’s costume parade at school.  I wonder if Mr. Williams will notice that I am a history fan too?

Hello Jonathan Edwards!  Meow! I look like a Real Housewife of Plymouth, right?

Hello Jonathan Edwards! Meow! I look like a Real Housewife of Plymouth, right?

Hummus is going as a baby in a stroller, lol.

Happy Halloween!

I am Just So Lucky!

So, some people seem to think that Röbert and I are having marital problems, LOL.  Well, quite to the contrary, we are VERY happy, VERY, VERY happy.  When I say that I am a single mom I do not mean that literally, LOL.  Röbert just travels a lot but when we’re together it is wonderful.  Most of the haters are just jealous and wish they had the kind of magical relationship I share with my hubby.

Look at that body language!  We are in love!

Look at that body language! We are in love!

Stepping off my soapbox.

For some reason Merlin had to stay late at school today.  I assumed he was in trouble, but when I went to sign him out of detention, they said he was out back with the archery club.  Archery club?  Who ever heard of such a thing?  When I got there I ran into who else but Mr. Williams, his gifted class teacher.  Mr. Williams seems to have a lot of crazy ideas because it turns out it wasn’t an archery club at all, it was a special group “exploring their interests” in Medieval history.  More like a thinly veiled excuse for introducing my child to violence and weapons.  I was irate and I let him know that I didn’t have time to be running out to pick Merlin up from this afternoon craziness.  His teacher sure knows how to talk because I ended up agreeing to let Merlin go and Mr. Williams will drive him home on Tuesdays.  I am torn because it doesn’t seem right to have him shooting arrows hither and yon, but it does seem to be a nice opportunity for me to spend extra time with Starling, who has seemed a little down lately.

Mr. Williams is crazy, am I right?

Mr. Williams is crazy, am I right?

I decided to make it an early night for the kids (I love school nights) and I invited a couple of friends over to visit, LOL!

Meet my two friends.

Meet my two friends.