Tag Archives: mojitos

Karen’s Party

Last night was the cocktail party at Karen’s house.  I was very excited but Röbert just about ruined my fun by talking about saving money and budgeting the entire day.  So tedious.  I decided I had better not wear the new dress I bought on Friday, so I took something (also new, but sort of looks like something else I used to own) out and put it on.  When Röbert asked if it was a new dress I said, “No.” and was able to take the moral high ground all night.

I think I looked pretty great.

This dress was less expensive, but still looked fabulous!

This dress was less expensive, but still looked fabulous!

I couldn’t lie about the suit I bought for Röbert to wear, since he knew it was new, so I told him I had gotten it on sale at Sears.  LOL!  Men can be so gullible.  He still didn’t want to wear it (too flashy), but he looked very dapper.

I actually bought the suit at a very prestigious men's shop in town!

I actually bought the suit at a very prestigious men’s shop in town!

When I got to the party I was surprised to discover that I was the guest of honor!   Karen is so grateful to me for finding Beefeater and she even wanted to get a special picture of us together.  Unfortunately Beefeater kept cowering as if he was afraid of me.  So strange.  We did finally get a cute picture together.

Beefeater and his hero!

Beefeater and his hero!

I don’t remember much of the night after my second mojito, and I woke up with a terrible my grain again.  Today I just took it easy and let Röbert play Papa Bear!