Tag Archives: LOL

Guess Who Came to Dinner?

Late this afternoon there was a knock at my front door and some muffled sobbing outside and you won’t even believe who showed up at my home!  Kathy!  She was looking for Röbert and she was crying buckets.

Apparently Stefan left her.  He told her he was in love with someone else, but wouldn’t tell her who.  He also said that the other person was not his reason for leaving her, that he didn’t love her anymore.  Wow!  That must have stung. LOL.

If you dress in lumpy sweaters you don't get to keep cute, rich husbands.

If you dress in lumpy sweaters you don’t get to keep cute, rich husbands.

She asked if she could stay overnight.  What could I say?  I was dying to hear the whole messy story.  I rushed her right up to the guest bedroom and brought her a cold glass of wine and ran her a bath.  I even brought out the nice guest towels and fluffy robe.  LOL.

Then I told her how I had always suspected that Stefan had a thing for her best friend, Claire.  LOL LOL LOL!  Had he been traveling abroad much lately, because I knew Claire had been working on some archaeological thing abroad?  Hahahaha!  Yes, it turns out that Stefan has been doing quite a bit of travel!  LOL a million times.

I left her and called up Le Petit Bistro for some food and gave the children a little mac and cheese and sent them up early.

When Röbert came home I was all solicitous care with Kathy and, of course, he was kind but wanted nothing more than to sit quietly and watch ESPN.  What man wants to listen to someone cry about their failed marriage?  I got her a tiny bit drunk and sent her up to bed.  I couldn’t wait to text Cari and have a good laugh!

Ooopsy Daisy

After my encounter with my former friend Karen yesterday I was very upset!  I called Röbert to ask him to please hurry home and I quickly made dinner for Merlin and Starling.  I sent them up to bed extra early (they weren’t happy, but oh well is what I always say!)  Then I waited for the hubster to get home.

7:16 lahlee

When he got home he wanted to go talk to Mitch to see if he could make Karen be reasonable but I cried until he agreed not to do that!  I went up to take a nice bath and when I came down my boy had started a fire for me.

7:16 fireplace

He went up to bed early and I stayed up to check out my Facebook and let everyone know what a snake Karen is!


I woke up nice and refreshed and went to the kitchen to get myself some coffee.

7:16 kitchen

And guess what I found just outside the back door, LOL?

photo hummus stroller


I guess with all the excitement yesterday I had forgotten all about Hummus.  He was just waking up and, other than really needing a new diaper, no worse for the experience.  I can’t stop laughing at myself over this one!

Starling is working on a puppet show for me, so I’d better go right now to enjoy it.

7:16 puppet show