Tag Archives: Lil’ Lobsters

Feeling down :(

This morning I was approached by one of the assistants at The Stanislaus Wrobinski Tennis Academy about an opening in their residential program for Hummus this fall.  Normally they don’t take children as young as he is, but when I promised to potty train him before he started there, of course they wanted him!

He is so focussed when he plays!

He is so focussed when he plays!

When I got home, Röbert was holding some mail,and looking very stern.  It seems that I may have forgotten to tell him about how much time Hummus has been spending at The Academy, and it cost a lot more than either of us imagined.  A LOT more.  Oh well, that is what credit cards are for!

Anywho, Röbert made me go back and pick him up and withdraw him from all of his classes. Later, I could tell Röbert felt bad about denying our baby this amazing opportunity, because he had signed him up for Lil’ Lobsters at the community courts.  I will try, but I am not sure I can stand to take him to such a low rent facility after the progress he has made with his clay court game this spring.

This is what Röbert thinks is acceptable?

This is what Röbert thinks is acceptable?

I guess it is back to the gym child care for Hummus this summer.  That is okay, but it kind of ruins a lot of my plans for me and my friends.  Being a Mom is all about sacrifice, but it would be nice to have a little more support.