Tag Archives: lice

Getting’ Ready for Halloween

The children are all wound up about Halloween.  They just can’t stop talking about costumes and candy.  I really don’t think it is necessary to buy new costumes every single year.  For instance, I think Hummus will by fine wearing the cute doggy hat his aunt sent him.

See, he is a dog?  Done!

See, he is a dog? Done!

I have no idea what Merlin even wants to be.  He changes his mind every three seconds.  I may just keep him home from school that day, who knows.

I did find the prettiest princess costume for Starling.  It was very expensive but she just can’t stop grinning every time she puts it on.  It’s not necessarily a Halloween costume, just a fun dress up outfit for my lil’ angle.

She looks so lovely, doesn't she?

She looks so lovely, doesn’t she?

My mother also brought them the cutest pajamas last weekend and she took a picture of them in them right before she discovered the lice.  I don’t think Merlin really cares about special pajamas so I put his in with Starling’s clothes after they were washed in extra hot water (by the housekeeper I hired to clean the house out).

They look so adorable.  They take after me!

They look so adorable. They take after me!

Weekend Getaway

It made absolutely no sense for me to stay home with the children all whining about lice over the weekend, so Röbert and I took time to have a little getaway  We went to a beautiful luxury hotel in the city and finally had time to just relax, read, shop and eat at some fantastic restaurants.  My mother always loves to spend time with the littles, so it was a win/win.

Where is the mini bar?

Where is the mini bar?

The best part is that my Mom ended up taking care of the lice (she said I had gotten her there under “false pretenses” LOL.  I know she loved it!) and I didn’t get any of the little buggies myself.  My hair looked fantastic this morning!

Lice free!

Lice free!

OMG! The Worst!

I had the nicest morning.  I went on a power walk with Karen, then we went back to her house and had coffee and just laughed and laughed.  Beefeater was acting so weird though.  First he growled at me, then he cowered like he was scared.  Karen finally had to lock him in her room.  Later, I went to Pilates, then had my nails done and and a massage. I generally just got ready for a relaxing weekend.

Merlin was just driving me up a wall when he got home from school.  He just kept scratching and scratching and complaining about an itchy head.  So annoying.

I kept telling him to get his hands out of his hair!

I kept telling him to get his hands out of his hair!

I sent him up to his room and went to check my email and discovered that there are lice at the children’s school.  LICE!  How barbaric!  Then I read the symptoms and it dawned on me that Merlin might have them!!!!!  I ran up to his room and yelled at him to get outside immediately and then called the special crew that comes and delouses your house when this happens.  Wow!  It sure is expensive.  I’ll bet he got them from those creepy twins he played with on Monday.

The next thing you know I saw Starling scratching her head. Oh my!  Merlin gave his lice to his sweet sister!  Why would he do that to Starling?  What if we have to shave her beautiful hair?  I can’t believe this is happening to me.

I kept telling her to stop scratching but she wouldn't.

I kept telling her to stop scratching but she wouldn’t.

As soon as the lice team arrived I beat a hasty retreat.

I don't want lice too!

I don’t want lice too!

I called Röbert from the wine bar and told him he had to get home and deal with the mess.  I think I will be shopping for all new everything tomorrow!

By the way, I read that lice prefer clean hair, so we are NOT dirty at all!  Keep those nasty comments to yourself.