Tag Archives: holiday

Getting’ Ready for Halloween

The children are all wound up about Halloween.  They just can’t stop talking about costumes and candy.  I really don’t think it is necessary to buy new costumes every single year.  For instance, I think Hummus will by fine wearing the cute doggy hat his aunt sent him.

See, he is a dog?  Done!

See, he is a dog? Done!

I have no idea what Merlin even wants to be.  He changes his mind every three seconds.  I may just keep him home from school that day, who knows.

I did find the prettiest princess costume for Starling.  It was very expensive but she just can’t stop grinning every time she puts it on.  It’s not necessarily a Halloween costume, just a fun dress up outfit for my lil’ angle.

She looks so lovely, doesn't she?

She looks so lovely, doesn’t she?

My mother also brought them the cutest pajamas last weekend and she took a picture of them in them right before she discovered the lice.  I don’t think Merlin really cares about special pajamas so I put his in with Starling’s clothes after they were washed in extra hot water (by the housekeeper I hired to clean the house out).

They look so adorable.  They take after me!

They look so adorable. They take after me!

Fun on the fourth!

Independence day is one of my favorite holidays, although I sometimes find myself wondering if it weren’t for those colonials I might be living it up in Downton Abbey etc.  Food for thought.  Anywhoo…

I got up nice and early for our annual Open House.  I ran to the kitchen and made up mimosas and waited for the guests to arrive.  But guess what?  Röbert never sent out the invitations.  They were on the back seat of his car!  I wondered why no one had called to ask what to bring.  Oh well, more mimosas for me!

photo mimosas

After I drank breakfast (lol) I was laying down and I heard a crash in the living room.  I went to investigate but all I found was my precious Starling reading a big heavy book.  She is so smart!  She said she hadn’t heard anything but I later found a broken vase behind the sofa where she was sitting.  Ugh!  I just know it is Merlin but Röbert coddles him so, and wouldn’t let me punish him without proof.  Infuriating!

photo starling reading


Merlin was outside playing with that darned chicken, “Birdy”.  I keep shooing it into the neighbors’ yards but Birdy comes right back.  Röbert  bought it some chicken feed and made a pen for it out back.  See how he spoils Merlin?  I just know those two were up to no good!

photo chicken3


But it was time for the Sullivan’s annual July 4th party so I ignored the mess the bird was making, scratching up my beautiful yard, and got changed.  I put the baby in his car seat to go next door.

photo hummus car seat

I am worried about the Sullivans.  They are older, probably in their mid-forties, and I think they might be losing it a little.  They acted surprised, as if they weren’t expecting us, when they know we come EVERY year!  Oh my.  I may have to sit down with Karen and see what is going on.


Of course Röbert and Merlin started horsing around and I was MORTIFIED!  The Sullivans were so sweet about it and kept telling me to let Merlin stay “just this once”, whatever that means, but I sent him straight home to bed.  Too bad he missed the swimming and fun and fireworks.  I hope roughhousing with his father was worth it!

photo roughhousing

Starling and Hummus both seemed like they might be allergic to something earlier, so I gave them each the tiniest bit of Benadryl and it just wore them right out.  By 6 PM the children were nestled all snug in their beds and we were able to enjoy a little grown up time.  Röbert had a hamburger, but I was a lot hungrier.!

photo picnic

Happy summer!