Tag Archives: help


OMG!  Emergency!

So, while it may seem to some that our marriage is perfect, sometimes Röbert just gets the teensiest bit angry with me.  This week would be an example.  When I called to let him know I was in San Jose, he had already apparently heard about it from my parents, who I guess are also somewhat annoyed (it is like they are missing the love your grandlittles gene or something!)

wheelbarrow photo

Röbert and I in a happier moment!

In the end, after a very frustrating conversation he agreed that I should stay because I promised him that I would learn so much during the convention, make lots of important connections, learn to monetize (love that word!) my blog and probably get some sponsors!

Well, ugh.  It turns out that I had so much fun that I did not make it to a single session, meeting or speaker.  I did go to a lot of parties, the details are a little fuzzy to me.  The people I met, while a lot of fun, also all ended up having blogs with a similar following to mine (2 page views a week, more or less; one from my mom and one from my dad).  Also, no sponsor.

I may also have implied that I had purchased a nonrefundable round-trip ticket (I bought one way) because i thought with the money all my roommates would reimburse me for the room before they left, I would have enough to get home.  Well, I woke up this morning and everyone was gone, no cash or checks left for the room and when I went to the front desk the room charges were all still on the card I found in Röbert’s sock drawer!  And someone had bought a lot of minibar candies and room service and watched porn! OMG!

So now I need to try to get some sponsors before I go and I don’t know how that works.

7:27 golf

#golf #titleist OMG!  #sponsor  Maybe someone will at least send me some free golf balls to give to Röbert or something!

7:27 Starbucks

#starbucks #Peets #Idon’tcare #coffee

7:27 David

#DavidTutera #weddinggown  I swear, I will wear one of your super sparkly poofy gowns to run errands if you will just help out a gal with whom you shared a special moment this weekend!