Tag Archives: headache

Bad Day

I am having a bad day.  I can’t put my finger on why I feel so sad today.  I put Frozen on the tv this morning and threw a couple of boxes of Gogurt into the family room, and that is about as much parenting as I can stand.

I thought exercising would help, but I had to do it alone at home because I am stuck with two kids who are too old for child care at the gym.  Somehow all of that made me feel even worse.

Despite being sad, I am smoking hot!

Despite being sad, I am smoking hot!

And do you know what I found out about Karen’s stupid party?  It was an engagement party for Ty and Renata.  I should have been invited.  Ty is practically my best friend.  It is so horrible of her to steal my best friend and not invite me to his party.

All of those ugly old people must be Renata’s awful family.  Poor Ty!

Another My Grain

This morning I woke up with a lil’ my grain.  Röbert pulled out all the stops last night. He had arranged for Grandmama to have the lil’ ones overnight and we had dinner in the city at that new restaurant where it is impossible to get reservations.   Afterward he suggested we go out for a drink and he took me to a hot disco where Cari and Krystyn were both waiting to surprise me.  We all just danced the night away!  I think Cari may have helped him out a bit with ideas about where to go, but it was magical!

He also didn’t completely fail with the gift.  He bought me some beautiful shoes in the right size.  They are moccasins, so more for slumming around home than anything, but he found the right store. Again, I think I have Cari to thank.  I love how close she and Röbert have gotten!

A huge improvement over the kayak lessons, right?

A huge improvement over the kayak lessons, right?

The kids had homemade gifts for me.  Honestly, when will they learn?  Hummus has been too busy with his tennis career to make anything, so I think my payoff with him will be well worth it, but ten or twelve years off.  Starling’s gift was actually really sweet.  It was a book of coupons with things like “Good For…One Hug,” in it.  I can’t wait to redeem them!

She is just so thoughtful to think of all of these treats for me!

She is just so thoughtful to think of all of these treats for me!

Merlin made me a cake but it wasn’t even the kind I like.  Oh well, I had a lovely piece of cake at the restaurant last night.

It is all crooked and wonky!  LOL!  We couldn't stop laughing when we saw it!

It is all crooked and wonky! LOL! We couldn’t stop laughing when we saw it!

Röbert is lucky he did so well for my birthday because he pulled a lil’ prank on me today that would normally have me furious.  He has been telling me that he is “working on” the vacay, so I shouldn’t reserve the gorgeous beach front villa just yet, even though it will probably be rented right out from under us at any minute.  Then, when I finally dragged myself out of bed at midday, he said he had arranged with one of his friends to borrow his hunting cabin for a week.  He had better be joking.  He even went so far as to show me a photo.

Obviously this has to be a joke.  Right?

Obviously this has to be a joke. Right?

I didn’t give him the satisfaction of laughing or crying.  I just said, “Right,” and walked away.  I kept thinking about it all through Pilates for Pros and Extreme Yoga.  It’s a joke.  I am sure it is a joke.

It’s obviously just a not very funny joke.  I am not laughing, but it must be a joke.

I think a lil’ drop of vodka will help the my grain.


Happy New Year!

As per usual, Röbert and I were the absolute life of the the party last night.  Karen wanted it to be elegant and it really was lovely, with a small string ensemble playing classical music and passed hors d’ouevres, but I thought we should be a lil’ more lively than that!  So I put my iPhone in their Sonos system and we started dancing!  Such fun!  Of course everyone was staring at us the whole night, we have some great moves.  I am not sure why no one else joined in though.

We're doin' the Harlem Shake, if you couldn't tell!

We’re doin’ the Harlem Shake, if you couldn’t tell!

Apparently all of the children, who were having a pajama party upstairs with a magician and so many cupcakes, heard the change in tempo and came down to watch the fun.  Merlin gave an adorable demonstration of his Daddy dancing.

He was so funny.  He had us in stitches.

He was so funny. He had us in stitches.

Starling then did an imitation of me, which I found to be very mean spirited and actually cruel.  She was sent back upstairs, pronto!

I have a lil’ my grain this morning, so it is a lazy day in bed for me.

Gossip is Wrong!

I can barely bring myself to write this post because I have been crying all morning long!

I started the day trying on outfits for Thanksgiving.  The Sullivans have asked us over for dessert after dinner and I want to look my best.

Too much?  I think I look very elegant but probably should let Röbert do most of the cooking on Turkey Day!

Too much? I think I look very elegant but probably should let Röbert do most of the cooking on Turkey Day!

I was rudely interrupted by a phone call from The mother of Starling’s friend, Martha.  I can’t remember the mom’s name.  She is in one of my spin classes and is so slow and uncoordinated.   A couple of us like to get behind her and imitate her, LOL.  Anywhoo, she was uninviting Starling from the slumber party tonight!  Can you believe it?  She said Starling is a bully and Martha is afraid of her.  I told her that it was all petty gossip and she should be a better person and ignore it.  She hung up on me.  How completely rude!  I called all of my friends and told them what a bitch she is and also maybe mentioned that she has been diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder which, while not entirely true, I am sure she would be if she went to a psychologist like she needs to.

Gossip is so cruel and it hurts, actually hurts, people like my own lil’ angle, Starling.  I think I may start an anti bullying and gossip campaign or something.

Starling was upset and so we cried together for hours.  Then I went out and bought her a nice guitar because she said she might want to play it and won’t Martha and her mother be sorry when she is a famous singer songwriter and Martha is just a nothing.

Out of the the way Taylor Swift, here comes Starling!

Out of the the way Taylor Swift, here comes Starling!

I made peanut butter crackers for dinner tonight because I was exhausted from crying.  Can you believe I forgot that Merlin is allergic to peanuts? LOL.

That School is Crazy!

I am still so frustrated with the school and their absolutely ridiculous and arbitrary way of deciding who is gifted.  Starling is so smart, especially for a girl!  How many girls can there possibly be who got a B in math last year?  I’ll bet Starling is the only one.  She is such a wonderful and curious little girl.  I found her after school today, measuring away for some assignment.  Why does she have to be held back in that way?  She learned measurement LAST year and she needs to be challenged!!!!!

Warning, genius crossing!

Warning, genius crossing!


Meanwhile, the gifted teacher acted like he had no idea what I was talking about when I told him that a violin is a girl’s instrument.  Hello?  And this is a TEACHER!  Wow!  Finally he agreed to give Merlin another instrument.  The first day he came home with a practice drum pad.  Well, we marched that right back.  Now Merlin has a guitar, of all things.  Oh well, he seems to like it anyway, and I guess the rest of us will have to walk around with ear plugs in while he insists on practicing every single day.  UGH.

He'd better not start listening to heavy metal.

He’d better not start listening to heavy metal.

At least Starling is one of the most popular girls in her class.  She has tight knit little clique and they are all very pretty to top it off.  I couldn’t be happier to have her friends over.

Starling with two of her MANY friends.

Starling with two of her MANY friends.

I went in one more time today to ask about gifted classes for Starling and the office lady told me  that the decision had been made and I needed to move on.  I even offered to give up Merlin’s spot for her and was told, “It doesn’t work that way.”  I don’t see why not.  It is all so frustrating that it has given me a my grain!

Röbert is Home!

What a week it was with Röbert being away until last night.  I am exhausted and have a my grain.  I let him get up with the kids this morning and I slept in.  When I got up he had let Merlin and Starling dress up in some kind of crazy get ups!  What was he thinking?  I took a picture.  I wish that I had gotten a lot more wall in it.

8:2 wall

Can you believe it?  Starling liked those ugly things and was mad that I threw away the gift her father had bought her.  What to the ever!  I sent them up to change and walked into the family room.  Hummus was out of his car seat for some reason and trying to crawl on the sofa.  It was so cute so I did get a picture.  I was checking my phone to make sure I had a good one and the clumsy little thing fell off the sofa!  What was he thinking even being on it in the first place?

8:2 crawling

What can I say? There was blood everywhere, I was crying, Hummus was crying,.  Thank goodness Röbert was home to clean it all up.

I went upstairs to recover for awhile and when I came down Merlin was running around like a crazy man!  I need a vacation from summer vacation!

8:2 super merlin

Next week I have Starling signed up for a wonderful art camp with her best friend.  I think I will try to find some sort of program for Merlin and Hummus too.  Merlin is a bit old for the day care on Main Street but I may see if Mrs. Watkins will take him for a week or two.

I think I need a glass of wine now!

8:2 dining room

A Lil’ Time on my Own

So I woke up early this morning and decided to make a special breakfast for my whole family.  I have been having a lot of my grains lately and sleeping in a lot, so this was a nice treat for everyone!  And for me, yum, mimosas!

8:2 kitchen


After breakfast Röbert had to leave on another business trip!

8:2 robert

So I guess my life as a single mom continues.  It sure is hard and I wish my friends could begin to understand so they would be able to support me a little bit better!  I cried and cried, then I took the children out for a drive.  When we passed the Liebners’ house we could see their children were out back playing, so I told the kids to run back and play with them.  I just know the Liebners won’t mind having my lil’ angles for a few hours.  They are never a bit of trouble.  Of course Hummus was asleep.  He seemed to be about to come down with a cough earlier so I had given him a little preventative Benadryl in his lunch bottle and he was out like a light.

At last, a little me time.  I drove us right to the beach!


The waves were great!  It made me feel so much better about being a single mom!  It takes a village y’all!

Home Sweet Home

My trip home was horrible!  I was so remorseful about going away without really considering how much it would hurt poor Röbert and the kids.  Apparently my parents really DID have weekend plans so they delivered the kids back to Röbert and he got stuck with them and had to take time off from his work.  It was also way more expensive than I expected and, as I confessed before, I got caught up in the party atmosphere and didn’t learn thing one.  I also lost my favorite bra one night and i am scared how that might have happened.  Please, I hope there are no photos of that evening on the internet.  I sat on the plane and wept.


I had a short layover halfway home and so I made myself comfortable in the airport with a couple of glasses of wine and a good book and tried to think of ways to explain how sorry I am to Röbert.  Well, I was into my third glass of wine and I realized that it had been far too long, so I went and found the gate agent.  Apparently “weather” was preventing flights from leaving so I was stuck for as long as they wanted to keep me there.  I was livid!  I let that woman AND her supervisor know that I was on my way home from an important business conference and I am not used to being treated so shabbily.  I could tell the other passengers were all pretty impressed with how I handled myself.  You would think an airline would know better than to treat influential bloggers like they are nobodies.

I finally got home very late and drove home.  My family was all asleep and so I snuck into bed and then pretended to be asleep when Röbert was getting ready for work this morning.   I guess I have to face him eventually.  Anywho, I do feel like I have a sassy new attitude so I put on my ol’ cutoffs and went for walk while the children slept this afternoon (Benadryl again…LOL!)


The Wild, Wild West

Before I even start describing my ah-maze-ing time in San Jose, I have to speak out against those of you who took offense to an innocent photo I posted yesterday.  Yes, my baby Hummus was naked in it, but excuse me if I was excited to share the great news that he was starting to pull up to stand!  Especially in light of the fact that a certain neighbor, who will remain nameless, had told me he would never learn to stand if I didn’t unstrap him from his carseat and stroller from time to time.   Certain people, who let me know that I shouldn’t post pictures of my child’s naked body just need to mind their own business and get their own minds out of the gutter!  Clearly you are all just jealous and need to get your own lives.  Stepping off my soapbox now!

Hummus carseat

Well, I have to say that a business convention like this is much different than I expected.  First of all it is almost all business ladies, which surprised me.  The other surprising thing is that we (and I say we because I feel like I have joined a sisterhood by coming here) all love to have fun.  On the first night I lost my roommates and started seeing all the sights in this booming metropolis on my own.  But then I met up with some of the other ladies and we got our drink on!  Wow! I barely remember the rest of the evening.  But I am pretty sure it was funnnn!

I decided to sleep in and skip the morning sessions because I had a little my grain in the morning.  But I hopped right up when one of the other ladies suggested mimosas by the pool.

7:25 pool feet

After a crazy afternoon I got dressed in my most serious outfit and headed down to the convention.  I totally got sidetracked by all the freebies and never made it to a single session!  I got some really great pencils and mini crayons and grocery bags and even a couple of t-shirts that I know I will just love forever.  Amazing!

7:25 bidness lady


A bunch of us decided to go grab some food together.  These are my new sistahs from another mistah!

7:25 in crowd

Well, I wanted to look nice so i went and put on my prettiest face LOL.  I was so glad i had watched the youtube describing how to put on smoky eyes because. well,  just look and see.  I was fabulous!

7:25 smoky

I also got a few treats together in our room before we went out!

7:25 wine

Gah, I don’t remember a single thing after that but I found this on my phone so it is probably what I ate.  Who knows?




Ooopsy Daisy

After my encounter with my former friend Karen yesterday I was very upset!  I called Röbert to ask him to please hurry home and I quickly made dinner for Merlin and Starling.  I sent them up to bed extra early (they weren’t happy, but oh well is what I always say!)  Then I waited for the hubster to get home.

7:16 lahlee

When he got home he wanted to go talk to Mitch to see if he could make Karen be reasonable but I cried until he agreed not to do that!  I went up to take a nice bath and when I came down my boy had started a fire for me.

7:16 fireplace

He went up to bed early and I stayed up to check out my Facebook and let everyone know what a snake Karen is!


I woke up nice and refreshed and went to the kitchen to get myself some coffee.

7:16 kitchen

And guess what I found just outside the back door, LOL?

photo hummus stroller


I guess with all the excitement yesterday I had forgotten all about Hummus.  He was just waking up and, other than really needing a new diaper, no worse for the experience.  I can’t stop laughing at myself over this one!

Starling is working on a puppet show for me, so I’d better go right now to enjoy it.

7:16 puppet show