Tag Archives: happily married

10 Things to Know About Approaching a Famous Blogger

I have a very busy week ahead, getting ready for our big gala on Friday night, and  a special photo shoot for a special day mid-week (shhhhh, more about that later).

Now that my blog is becoming supper-popular, I find that I am getting approached by more people on the street who just want to let me know how much they adore me.  While I appreciate it, I want to give a few tips about how to approach a famous blogger so you don’t offend their sensibilities, since we bloggers tend to feel things just a little bit more than your average Joe.

1. If I am doing something important, like barre, do not bother me.  I am busy and deserve my me-time, probably more than everyone else.  If I am just dealing with the kids, fine, hop on over and tell me what you find most inspiring about me and my life.

I am busy here and should not be disturbed!

I am busy here and should not be disturbed!

2. If you don’t have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself.  Bloggers have feelings too and we shouldn’t be criticized just because we have decided to post every single breath we take online.  You don’t actually know us.  That goes double for those meanies on “that” hate site.  You know who you are.

I am a living, breathing human being with feelings y'all!

I am a living, breathing human being with feelings y’all!

3. Just because I don’t look like my photos online doesn’t mean I photoshop them.  I don’t even own photoshop.

I am naturally photogenic.

I am naturally photogenic.

4.  My kids are out of bounds.  Period.  Just because I occasionally might post a photo of one of them to boost page views does not mean you can criticize them.

My angles deserve total privacy except when I  as a parent, choose to expose them.

My angles deserve total privacy except when I as a parent, choose to expose them.

5. I will be happy to answer most questions, but do not try to make yourself feel bigger by inferring things you know nothing about.  Röbert and I are extremely happily married and have never had any trouble in our marriage.

You can feel the chemistry here, right?

You can feel the chemistry here, right?

7. Hummus is absolutely fine and does not have a single delay.  Unless you are a doctor I have employed for that purpose, I have no interest in your amateur diagnosis.

Delayed?  He is a tennis prodigy!  How is your 22 month old doing in USTA?

Delayed? He is a tennis prodigy! How is your 22 month old doing in USTA?

8. If you want to tell me something sad or humiliating you have heard about Karen, I am all ears, but I do not want to hear about how you feel bad for her.

Double points if you manage to mention how dull Renata seems too.

Double points if you manage to mention how dull Renata seems too.

9. Hands off!  Do not touch me or my children.  And especially leave the dog alone.  I have him trained of course, but he has a history of viciousness.

He still has an evil glint in his eye sometimes.

He still has an evil glint in his eye sometimes.

10. Please do tell me how pretty I am, how well behaved Starling is, how enviable my lifestyle is.   When in doubt, or when nervous to be meeting someone famous like me, those are great conversation starters.

You can even tell me how adorable we look together!

You can even tell me how adorable we look together!

I think that covers it for now. I look forward to meeting all of you!