Tag Archives: guitar

Gossip is Wrong!

I can barely bring myself to write this post because I have been crying all morning long!

I started the day trying on outfits for Thanksgiving.  The Sullivans have asked us over for dessert after dinner and I want to look my best.

Too much?  I think I look very elegant but probably should let Röbert do most of the cooking on Turkey Day!

Too much? I think I look very elegant but probably should let Röbert do most of the cooking on Turkey Day!

I was rudely interrupted by a phone call from The mother of Starling’s friend, Martha.  I can’t remember the mom’s name.  She is in one of my spin classes and is so slow and uncoordinated.   A couple of us like to get behind her and imitate her, LOL.  Anywhoo, she was uninviting Starling from the slumber party tonight!  Can you believe it?  She said Starling is a bully and Martha is afraid of her.  I told her that it was all petty gossip and she should be a better person and ignore it.  She hung up on me.  How completely rude!  I called all of my friends and told them what a bitch she is and also maybe mentioned that she has been diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder which, while not entirely true, I am sure she would be if she went to a psychologist like she needs to.

Gossip is so cruel and it hurts, actually hurts, people like my own lil’ angle, Starling.  I think I may start an anti bullying and gossip campaign or something.

Starling was upset and so we cried together for hours.  Then I went out and bought her a nice guitar because she said she might want to play it and won’t Martha and her mother be sorry when she is a famous singer songwriter and Martha is just a nothing.

Out of the the way Taylor Swift, here comes Starling!

Out of the the way Taylor Swift, here comes Starling!

I made peanut butter crackers for dinner tonight because I was exhausted from crying.  Can you believe I forgot that Merlin is allergic to peanuts? LOL.

Guitar Mix-Up

Merlin has been playing the guitar for a couple of months now and already it sounds less like caterwauling and more like actual music.  Röbert said that we should let him return the guitar that Ty loaned us and buy him a decent instrument of his own.  Have you looked at the prices for guitars lately?  They are outrageous!  I found one that I was sure was fine and it was shaped like a dog.  Merlin loves dogs, so I ordered it.  It is adorable and I am sure he will grow to love it.

So cute and it matches his new dog theme bedding.

So cute and it matches his new dog theme bedding.

When Röbert got home from work he was furious because he said it is not a real guitar, it is a toy.  I am sure I have no idea what the difference is.  I was just trying to save money.  Ugh

Starling was invited to a slumber party this Friday at her friend Martha’s house.  She was so excited since Martha and her mother have been a bit cool to us lately, so I went out and bought her all new Frozen pajamas and sleeping bag and pillow for her big night out.  She is thrilled.

Someone said Merlin is the only one who ever smiles.  Look at this lil' angle beaming and suck it, hater!

Someone said Merlin is the only one who ever smiles. Look at this lil’ angle beaming and suck it, hater!

That School is Crazy!

I am still so frustrated with the school and their absolutely ridiculous and arbitrary way of deciding who is gifted.  Starling is so smart, especially for a girl!  How many girls can there possibly be who got a B in math last year?  I’ll bet Starling is the only one.  She is such a wonderful and curious little girl.  I found her after school today, measuring away for some assignment.  Why does she have to be held back in that way?  She learned measurement LAST year and she needs to be challenged!!!!!

Warning, genius crossing!

Warning, genius crossing!


Meanwhile, the gifted teacher acted like he had no idea what I was talking about when I told him that a violin is a girl’s instrument.  Hello?  And this is a TEACHER!  Wow!  Finally he agreed to give Merlin another instrument.  The first day he came home with a practice drum pad.  Well, we marched that right back.  Now Merlin has a guitar, of all things.  Oh well, he seems to like it anyway, and I guess the rest of us will have to walk around with ear plugs in while he insists on practicing every single day.  UGH.

He'd better not start listening to heavy metal.

He’d better not start listening to heavy metal.

At least Starling is one of the most popular girls in her class.  She has tight knit little clique and they are all very pretty to top it off.  I couldn’t be happier to have her friends over.

Starling with two of her MANY friends.

Starling with two of her MANY friends.

I went in one more time today to ask about gifted classes for Starling and the office lady told me  that the decision had been made and I needed to move on.  I even offered to give up Merlin’s spot for her and was told, “It doesn’t work that way.”  I don’t see why not.  It is all so frustrating that it has given me a my grain!