Tag Archives: fishing

Going Camping

Cari and Amber are looking forward to their favorite event of the year, Burning Man!  We sure will miss them, and Amber will miss the first couple of weeks of school, but it is such a wonderful educational opportunity for their family, and they wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Of course Starling wants to go with them..  She has been crying and complaining that she can’t start school without her lil’ buddy.  I am not a camper and Röbert does not think Burning Man is a good use of our resources, so we will not be joining them this year.  I suggested to Röbert that we shake Starling out of her funk by letting her experience camping with him.  So the two of them set out for a Daddy-Daughter 3 day hike and camping trip early this morning.  Starling was all dressed in festival wear, including some darling fringed boots.

I think the moment Röbert digs a hole in the woods and tells her that is her toilet, is the moment they will be heading home.

I think the moment Röbert digs a hole in the woods and tells her that is her toilet, is the moment they will be heading home.

Of course that means that I am a single mom again.  I don’t know how i do everything!  I took the boys over to the park to do a little fishing today.  I didn’t bait their hooks because, eeew, so there was no chance I would end up cleaning a disgusting fish, but it kept them occupied for a few hours so I could catch up with my friends at a semi-nearby picnic table.

He couldn't figure out why nothing was biting. LOL! Who is the smart one now?

He couldn’t figure out why nothing was biting. LOL! Who is the smart one now?

I did call the preschool about Hummus and the director was so rude.  She said she hadn’t called me back because she thought I was joking.  The nerve!  Well, her oldest will be in the kindergarten at Rumsfeld Elementary this fall, and we will see how that goes!

Oh, you can vote for Hummus in the Cute Kid contest every day in August.  I have perused the other entries and they aren’t much to speak of.  I wish I could get a hold of their parents and encourage them to just give it up.


Leisure Time at the Lake

This morning I was getting the children ready to go take a few snapshots at a county fair a few counties over, but Röbert insisted that we stay home and enjoy the lake out in front of the house.  I wasn’t happy about it, but he went so far as to hide the car keys and there is no Über out here in the boondocks, can you believe it?  So today was lake day.  The kids seemed to enjoy it, but I know they were probably wishing they could have spent the day making photo memories.

Röbert took Hummus for a long paddle in the canoe while Merlin gave me a pedicure.  I got to relax in the very comfortable lounge chairs at the end of the dock, and I might have gotten a teeny bit of a tan.  Don’t tell my dermatologist!

Hummus thought he was helping with the paddling, LOL!

Hummus thought he was helping with the paddling, LOL!

Starling was so excited to go fishing, until she saw Röbert cleaning the fish afterwards.  She spent the rest of the afternoon texting Amber and Alcott.

I think that is a red snapper.

I think that is a red snapper.

Unfortunately, by the time it was Merlin’s turn we were all tuckered out.  That’s okay, he got a lot of his summer homework done while hanging out on the lovely screened porch.  Mr. Williams will be so proud of him when school starts back up.

Röbert had dropped a minnow trap off the end of the dock last night and Merlin did find a little friend in there today.  It may be his friend that I most enjoy being around, LOL.

He named it Crusty.

He named it Crusty.

Once a nerd, always a nerd; he immediately sketched the thing and wrote a small report about it.  Yikes.  We need to get him some cool friends.

Is it just me, or is the kid a little weird?

Is it just me, or is the kid a little weird?

Tonight Röb wants to have a campfire.  Well, I hope everyone is prepared for a bath afterwards, because I don’t want all that smokey stink inside my house!


Crazy Coincidence

This afternoon my mother decided to actually act like a grandmother and take her grandchildren to the park after school.  I just know she will enjoy spending time with my lil’ angles even though Merlin had that stomach thing overnight.  He was fine by this morning, he hadn’t thrown up since 6:30 AM, so I sent them off to school, shed a lil’ tear, and headed over to the gym.

After the gym I dropped Hummus off with Mom a few hours early (she was fine with it I am sure.  I dropped him in her kitchen, and called her on her cell phone to let her know he was there from my car.)  I had a long standing appointment for a “make-under” and a blow out at my salon, then I went and bought some cute hiking leggings and bra top at Marmot so I could go explore this wilderness area I had heard about.  I am sure you all know how much I just love, love, love the outdoors!

Well, it was a pretty primitive area, such fun, and I was able to hike around for a couple of hours before I ran into someone I knew.  I was so surprised!  Ty was there fishing on his boat.  I had no idea there even was fishing in this state park!

I had no idea Ty came here after work most days.  We do have a lot in common!

I had no idea Ty came here after work most days. We do have a lot in common!

The Cap’n invited me on board and like a good first mate I went up and enjoyed a beautiful afternoon with him.

The funniest thing happened though.  When I offered him a lil’ sip from my canteen it was actually filled with vodka instead of water.  How do these things happen to me?  I was so embarrassed but we laughed and laughed every time we looked at the canteen.

I came home with a lil’ my grain so I let Röbert pick the kids up and put them to bed while I drank a glass of champagne in the bath.


Catchin’ Up With the Kiddies

I had such a terrible my grain on Sunday that I forgot to mention the cutest thing that Starling did on Saturday night.  She thought she was grown up enough to go to the Sullivan’s cocktail party and got all dressed up in a princess dress and came to show me while I was applying my face.  She was extremely upset to find out she wasn’t invited so I called to ask Karen if i could bring her along.  For some reason Karen said no.  Ugh!  Poor Starling!  She could not stop crying!

My lil' Princess

My lil’ Princess

On Sunday afternoon Röbert took the children up to the mountains for a few hours so I could get some R n’ R.  I am not clear on exactly where they were, but Röbert took this picture of Merlin fishing.  I wish I enjoyed the outdoors more.

He didn't catch anything for dinner...thank the Lord!

He didn’t catch anything for dinner…thank the Lord!

And this morning we had a big event Chez Us!  A special lil’ angle stood up on his own for the first time.  So I guess everyone can shut their pie holes about the stroller.

My big boy stood without holding onto anything while i was transferring him from his stroller to the bouncy seat.

My big boy stood without holding onto anything while i was transferring him from his stroller to the bouncy seat.