Tag Archives: fireplace

Ooopsy Daisy

After my encounter with my former friend Karen yesterday I was very upset!  I called Röbert to ask him to please hurry home and I quickly made dinner for Merlin and Starling.  I sent them up to bed extra early (they weren’t happy, but oh well is what I always say!)  Then I waited for the hubster to get home.

7:16 lahlee

When he got home he wanted to go talk to Mitch to see if he could make Karen be reasonable but I cried until he agreed not to do that!  I went up to take a nice bath and when I came down my boy had started a fire for me.

7:16 fireplace

He went up to bed early and I stayed up to check out my Facebook and let everyone know what a snake Karen is!


I woke up nice and refreshed and went to the kitchen to get myself some coffee.

7:16 kitchen

And guess what I found just outside the back door, LOL?

photo hummus stroller


I guess with all the excitement yesterday I had forgotten all about Hummus.  He was just waking up and, other than really needing a new diaper, no worse for the experience.  I can’t stop laughing at myself over this one!

Starling is working on a puppet show for me, so I’d better go right now to enjoy it.

7:16 puppet show