Tag Archives: fat Karen

TBT Besties

This is Karen and me one year ago.  I am so glad we have found each other and are besties once again.  I am sure with my continued positive influence I will be able to help her get back to a healthier weight too.

3:1 besties

She looked great, even next to me.  Maybe I can get her to take some weight loss pills or something.

Nice Try, Karen

Karen slipped another lil’ photo under my door this morning.  She obviously thinks that she can get under my skin by insinuating that my Mr. Perfect is fooling around on the side, because this is a more recent photo.  She of all people must know that Röbert would never do that!  She was infatuated with him for years, but obviously she is so old and fat and Röbert is fathful to his goddess, Lah Lee.

Cari looks like she might have had a lil' too much to drink at lunch!  Röb is practically carrying her. LOL.

Cari looks like she might have had a lil’ too much to drink at lunch! Röb is practically carrying her. LOL.

I know exactly what is going on in that picture!  Clearly Röbert is planning a special surprise for me (for Christmas maybe?) and he asked my bestie to come into the city to help him shop.  I just love Christmas!  I can not wait to see what these two have cooked up for me!

When a Door Closes You Can Sometimes Open a Window or Even Another Door or a Chimney

Röbert gets home from his trip tonight and I am really looking forward to seeing him.  I wonder if he found the photo I left to replace the one of Karen I found?  I decided on the one of me in my nighty, so I expect he will be happy to see me too!

Karen was also supposed to be at the beach for a few days, but she got back yesterday evening and she looked like she had been crying.  Good.

The more I think about her hiding that picture in Röbert’s luggage, the sicker and crueler I realize she is.  I have been a wonderful, generous friend to her, so for her to act this way is just despicable.  I did find another picture I plan to put in his luggage.  I know this one will make him laugh, so I kind of hope he actually finds it.

She sure looks ridiculous here.  What could she have been thinking, pursuing my hotty?

She sure looks ridiculous here. What could she have been thinking, pursuing my hotty?

I was still feeling very upset about the whole situation, but I got up early and, using Starling’s binoculars, was able to watch her weeping in her backyard for a an hour or so before I left for the gym.  That cheered me up immensely.  Whatever made her leave her beach house early sure made her miserable.

I can think of no better use for Röbert's telephoto lens.  That is one ugly cry!

I can think of no better use for Röbert’s telephoto lens. That is one ugly cry!

When I got to the gym I saw Margie and her weird twins heading up to the children’s open gym so I told Starling and Merlin to follow them in.  A parent is supposed to be there for these vacation open gyms, and I was relieved that Margie could be there so I could make it to my Morning Stretch and Complete Body Conditioning before Spin With Quinn.  Margie seemed a bit perturbed when I picked the kids up, but I am sure she was just making up the dental appointment she missed.  I think there must be something wrong with the public address system in the gym, because I never even heard them call my name.

I love ya, Morning Stretch!

I love ya, Morning Stretch!

When I went to pick up Hummus from the childcare he was crying and clinging to that woman, Renata.  I don’t know what she does to make him so unhappy, but I plan to complain.  He is crying every time I pick him up lately, and I swear she rolled her eyes when I gave her a piece of my mind yesterday.  I don’t think she will have her job for very long.  I am a very important gym member, and she should know her place.

Despite all the stress of my morning and my friendship with Karen being kaput, I did run into Cari, the mother of Starling’s new little friend, Amber at Spin with Quinn.  We just have so much in common and I can tell we are going to be fast friends.  She is an actual single mom, which means her husband has to send her money and she doesn’t have to do his laundry anymore.  Sounds ideal, LOL!  She let me drop all of the kids with her ex-sister-in-law for a playdate and we went for a nice long lunch, complete with cocktails.  It was nice to finally relax and take some time for myself, and we laughed so hard when she told me she had seen Fat Alice’s mom in cross fit.

Cari is fun and fit, unlike certain other friends I used to have.

Cari is fun and fit, unlike certain other friends I used to have.

For a big treat tonight I am letting the children “Make their own salad” using all of the leftovers in the fridge, then sending them to bed early so I can slip into something comfortable and a glass of wine!