Tag Archives: equestrian

Learning Something New

One of the things about being the mother of an unschooled child is that I apparently have to provide opportunities for Starling to explore her interests.  I have always wanted her to ride because I think it is so classy so I signed her up for riding lessons.  She complained a lot on the way over and was not as cooperative as I hoped about wearing pants to ride in.  I think I will buy her some cute lil’ jodhpurs for her to wear next week.  Anywhoo, we got to the stable and I was eyeing up some of the other moms and they were all very well dressed so I just know I will fit right in!  Röbert may need to up his jewelry buying game though.

The riding instructors brought out some horses and tried to put Starling on a brown one.  Of course she was not at all interested in riding a common brown horse.  She was very clear with the riding instructor that she needed one “as black as coal”, like Black Beauty, or a pure white princess horse.  Finally they rounded up a white one for her.  She took a bunch of selfies with it but then they wanted her to brush it or something and saddle it up herself.  I marched right over and let them know in no uncertain terms that my daughter is NOT a common laborer.  I also very politely asked when she could start jumping her horse over fences and they acted like I was nuts.  Have they never seen horse riding on television!?

She had the prettiest dress at the stables!  And the horse was definitely the nicest one, even if it didn't have a unicorn horn.

She had the prettiest dress at the stables! And the horse was definitely the nicest one, even if it didn’t have a unicorn horn.

The other mamas were very sweet and I can see that I have found a new set of friends.  So excited!