Tag Archives: dress

She is not fat!

My sister-in-law, who is a real piece of work, sent Starling some hand-me-down clothes this week.  Normally I would never allow one of my children to wear used clothing, but Starling saw the box and was excited to wear some of the dresses.  There is this one dress in particular that she is just wild about.  Unfortunately it makes her look fat. Starling is a tiny little thing and I am wondering if my sister-in-law sent that dress on purpose, to make her look ugly.  What do you think?  Believe me, that woman is capable of just about anything.

I have been making oinking noises and laughing at her in this dress to discourage her from wearing it.

I have been making oinking noises and laughing at her in this dress to discourage her from wearing it.

Do you think the pear shape on the front is a secret message?

I know that Starling is perfect in every way, but I guess I will put her on a diet, just to be on the safe side.

Karen’s Party

Last night was the cocktail party at Karen’s house.  I was very excited but Röbert just about ruined my fun by talking about saving money and budgeting the entire day.  So tedious.  I decided I had better not wear the new dress I bought on Friday, so I took something (also new, but sort of looks like something else I used to own) out and put it on.  When Röbert asked if it was a new dress I said, “No.” and was able to take the moral high ground all night.

I think I looked pretty great.

This dress was less expensive, but still looked fabulous!

This dress was less expensive, but still looked fabulous!

I couldn’t lie about the suit I bought for Röbert to wear, since he knew it was new, so I told him I had gotten it on sale at Sears.  LOL!  Men can be so gullible.  He still didn’t want to wear it (too flashy), but he looked very dapper.

I actually bought the suit at a very prestigious men's shop in town!

I actually bought the suit at a very prestigious men’s shop in town!

When I got to the party I was surprised to discover that I was the guest of honor!   Karen is so grateful to me for finding Beefeater and she even wanted to get a special picture of us together.  Unfortunately Beefeater kept cowering as if he was afraid of me.  So strange.  We did finally get a cute picture together.

Beefeater and his hero!

Beefeater and his hero!

I don’t remember much of the night after my second mojito, and I woke up with a terrible my grain again.  Today I just took it easy and let Röbert play Papa Bear!