Tag Archives: dreary

School Daze

This morning was the big day!  Merlin and Starling headed back to school bright and early this morning.  Cari and I decided it was important that we show up and let the parents know that we are in charge this year, so I had to get up at 7:30 AM in order to get my hair and makeup done for my first meet & greet with my constituents.  It is practically still dark out that early!

We stood in the cafeteria with some coffee and cookies that the cafeteria ladies had provided and people could come in and meet us if they chose to.  Krystyn, Cari and I couldn’t stop laughing about an overweight woman we had seen at barre yesterday and, while a few women poked their noses in, no one seemed to want to stay.  It’s just as well; they all seemed pretty dreary.  Speaking of dreary, Margie was hanging out with the cafeteria ladies and, of course knows all of their names and asked them about their families.  What a show-off.

Röbert got a quick photo of the kids before we left for school.

Several people mentioned how skinny Starling looks and Krystyn called her "emaciated". She was thrilled, of course!

Several people mentioned how skinny Starling looks and Krystyn called her “emaciated”. She was thrilled, of course!

We already knew that Ty would be Merlin’s teacher again, but Starling has Miss Cole, who is known for being pretty strict.  I am sure Starling will charm the strict right out of her.  LOL!  Poor Amber got a new teacher named Mrs. Dingus.  LOL LOL!  How will the children keep a straight face?  If your last name is Dingus you should prroabably change it before you start teaching.  Starling and Amber were making up funny little songs about Mrs. Dingus the whole way home from school.  Adorable!  Merlin couldn’t stop talking about some special project he is starting with mentoring or something.  Oh well, at least it makes him happy.

Hummus apparently slept his morning away at the gym.  That kid must be growing, because he just can’t quit sleeping.

Amber is staying for dinner so Cari can finish packing for their little trip to the desert.  We sure are going to miss them.