Tag Archives: designer clothes

My Mountain Man

I think that everyone knows how much my handsome hubby loves the mountains!  He would spend every weekend there if he could.

He loves all mountain activities!

He loves all mountain activities!

But I also have another lil’ mountain man in my household.  Ever since he learned how to walk Hummus has been a climber.  He climbs out of his crib. even with the restraints, nets  and covers I have employed, and then he climbs all over the place in our house and wherever we go.  I honestly don’t know what I am going to do with that rascal!

This morning I was chatting with Karen on the phone and I heard some noises in our foyer.  I ran in, and who did I find standing on my settee?  Hummus, who I thought was still in his crib, quietly entertaining himself.

He is also kind of clumsy so of course I was scared he would fall and get blood all over my new rug.

He is also kind of clumsy so of course I was scared he would fall and get blood all over my new rug.

I ran upstairs to see how he had gotten out of his crib (he is apparently a whiz with knots) and when I got downstairs he was on the kitchen table, which is quite high!

He stepped on my melon!

He stepped on my melon!

We went to the gym without incident, but left a little early today to go to a sample sale.  Krystyn and I were madly gathering up fantastic designer bargains to try on when this very officious man tapped my shoulder, said, “Madam.” and pointed up.  Balancing there, far above our heads, on what appeared to be a wire, was Hummus.  When I had checked on him only a few minutes before (ok, it may have been a lil’ over an hour, but we were at a SAMPLE SALE, hello?) he was sleeping quietly in his stroller with bungy cords strapped all over him to keep him in place ( the cords were hidden under a blanket because people can be so judgy). I let that man know that I thought his sample sale was very dangerous for small children and he should be more cautious, but he escorted me out!  Outrageous!

This really was incredibly high.  I think the people who own this loft need to be more careful and keep an eye on any children in there if they don't want to be sued.

This really was incredibly high. I think the people who own this loft need to be more careful and keep an eye on any children in there if they don’t want to be sued.

I didn’t get any cute clothes because they wouldn’t even let me try one single thing on or purchase anything on my way out.

I got home, put Hummus down for his nap and started to cry about the green silk pants I had been holding at the sample sale and when I looked up there was Hummus again.  This time he was balancing on a pile of books on the coffee table.

At this point I was kind of hoping he would fall and learn his lesson.

At this point I was kind of hoping he would fall and learn his lesson.

I gave up and gave him some of Merlin’s toys to play with since he breaks all of his own, while I caught up on some PBS and supervised the housekeeper.

I had my book group over for dinner tonight so I had sent the children up to bed early (dressed for the morning since Röbert will not be around to supervise them) and when I came out of the kitchen, what lil’ scamp do you think I found on the dining room table?  You guessed it.

I love these carafs I just got.  It makes it super easy to see how much wine everyone is drinking so we can talk about it later.

I love these carafs I just got. It makes it super easy to see how much wine everyone is drinking so we can talk about it later.

Finally, I was trying to enjoy myself at the end of the evening with a Lifetime Movie (Wuthering High, so emotionally compelling) when I saw my lil’ sherpa on the mantle.  What can I do?

Does anyone know any really good knots?

Does anyone know any really good knots?

Do they make straightjackets in baby sizes?  Just kidding.  But I wonder if they do.  Now I am curious and might have to google it.  Does anyone know?