Tag Archives: coyotes

Ski Bum

I slept absolutely terribly last night.  Karen’s dog Beefeater was up half the night barking at something.    He sounded crazy.  I finally called her at 3:15 AM to ask her to please get him to stop, and she “claimed” that Beefeater was sleeping at the foot of her bed ( I would never let that vicious animal sleep in my room!) and the sound that I was hearing was coyotes.  As if!  Everyone knows that coyotes only live near ranches.

I was exhausted this morning, and really fed up with that horrible dog, so I decided to cheer myself up with a snowboarding trip.  Hummus is old enough for the day care at the lodge, so I packed him up and off we went.

The mountains were beautiful and it had just snowed the night before so we had a lil’ powder.  I was really surprised that I recognized so many faces there.  It was like the whole town had up and decided to go snowboarding today!

When I went into the lodge to warm up a little bit and have some cocoa and schnapps, who should I run into but Ty!? I had totally forgotten that today was the school ski trip and that he is the sponsor for the ski club.  Starling didn’t want to go and I forgot to send in Merlin’s permission form, so it had slipped my mind.

He is a skier.  I would have thought he was a snowboarder like me.

He is a skier. I would have thought he was a snowboarder like me.

I think he wasn’t feeling very well, because he had to excuse himself to go to the men’s room and then he didn’t come out for over an hour.  I had to leave to meet the children’s schoolbus.