Tag Archives: coloring pages

Just Me and My Lil’ Guy

My big kids went back to school today so it was just me and Hummus doin’ a lil’ Mommy-Bebe bonding.  I was expecting a call from Joanie about where to meet for lunch so we hung out at home for 20 minutes before we headed over to the gym.

Hanging by the telephone.

Hanging by the telephone.

It was a busy day because I had exercise classes all morning, then a shower and lunch, and then I met with my personal trainer in the afternoon.  I am glad that Hummus enjoys the childcare at the gym so much.  He just loves coloring pages, and they do a lot of coloring pages there.  I think he shows a lot of talent.  I am also a very talented artist, so it is not surprising at all that Hummus wields a mean marker.

The kid who works at the childcare said he looks cute when he concentrates on these.

The kid who works at the childcare said he looks cute when he concentrates on these.

These are just a few.  He actually colored 57 pages today.

These are just a few. He actually colored 57 pages today.

I think art is SO important for young children, and am very glad that he gets exposed to coloring pages at the gym.  I know he is learning, not just watching videos (although they do that too!)

I think art is SO important for young children, and am very glad that he gets exposed to coloring pages at the gym. I know he is learning, not just watching videos (although they do that too!)

I ask them not to let him sleep while he is there so he is ready for a nice long nap when we get home.  Then I can relax a lil’ bit myself.

All cozy and relaxed!

All cozy and relaxed!

The older kids seemed a lil’ lethargic this AM so I will give everyone some medicine in their juice tonight and have a relaxing evening at home with Mr. Pinot Noir.