Tag Archives: busy


This morning I went for a nice jog in my best sports bra and exercise gear and I just happened to end up in front of the children’s school.  I had a charley horse or something, hopefully not shin splints, but something, so I stopped to stretch.

I just love my photo editing software!

I just love my photo editing software!

I stretched for about 45 minutes and you will never guess who I happened to see arriving at school!  Mr. Williams! LOL. I told him that people would start talking if we kept running into each other like this!  He asked me who was at home getting the children ready for school.  That reminded me that I had probably better get home to get them ready for school.  LOL!

He looks like he might climb mountains too!

He looks like he might climb mountains too!

After school I asked our new neighbor, Mrs. Wozinski, to watch the kids for an hour or so, while i went to a business meeting.  I didn’t really have a business meeting, but I wanted to try the new tea shop downtown that Mr. Williams mentioned to me last week.  Starling was so upset and started crying and actually spat at Stella Wozinski.  Oh well, mommy is a busy bee! Unfortunately the tea shop closes at 6 PM so after I got dressed nicely and found a parking space etc, it was almost time for it to close.

I had to run to get there before it closed.

I had to run to get there before it closed.

I arrived at 5:59 and sat down.  The employees were so rude though!  I sat there for an hour and they were actually cleaning up around me.  It was as if I was an imposition to them. I did not leave a tip.  I didn’t see anyone I knew there.

When I got home I did the most embarrassing thing, though. I had bought a cute nightie to replace the pajamas that disappeared and I decided to send a photo to Robert but I sent it to Mr. Williams by mistake instead!  I hope he wasn’t too shocked!

This is cute, right?

This is cute, right?