Tag Archives: brownies

Disaster Averted, but Barely

I ran over to see Karen today because she (once again) was not taking my phone calls.  I took over a fresh baked batch of brownies (I get them from the bakery then put them in my own pan to make them look like I made them…it saves all sorts of time) and a bottle of wine.  I know Karen’s weak spots, LOL.  Anywhoo, we had a nice lil’ get together and I was getting ready to leave when I spotted the most horrifying thing.  Beefeater was out of his cage, I mean crate, and was playing with my lil’ bebeh, Hummus!

Have you ever seen a scarier photo?

Have you ever seen a scarier photo?

I know that Beefeater is supposedly “cured” now, but excuse me, I am not “cured” of my fear.  Anyone who has ever experienced and unprovoked attack like I did would also not be cured!

I still have nightmares about this day.  Beefeater is a vicious, cruel beast!

I still have nightmares about this day. Beefeater is a vicious, cruel beast!

I snatched up poor lil’ Hummus and scolded Karen about her disregard for MY comfort and MY needs.  She apologized of course, but I am not sure that is enough this time.