Tag Archives: boring

School Work

Sometimes I feel like now that I have all of this power I can wield at school, I no longer want it.  It is a lot of work being the vice president of the PTO, and, although I am an expert delegator, I still have to attend boring meetings and find people to delegate to.

I had a meeting with Merlin’s teacher Ty this morning.  He usually is so much fun to be with, but lately even he has been a little bit boring.  I still consider him a close friend, but I wish he would pick himself up a bit and maybe start dating someone really nice.  Starling’s teacher, Ms Cole has a darling roommate who she has lived with for years.  I think she would make a lovely girlfriend for Ty!

I know some of the moms think he is good looking, but I have never seen it.  He is just my old buddy , Ty.  I am glad I don't make a fool of myself over him like Jennifer Walker does!  Ooof! So embarrassing.

I know some of the moms think he is good looking, but I have never seen it. He is just my old buddy , Ty. I am glad I don’t make a fool of myself over him like Jennifer Walker does! Ooof! So embarrassing.

I wonder if there is a way to resign my position?  Maybe if Merlin had a athletic career ending injury  everyone would understand.