Tag Archives: blood

Yoga Time

So today was the day I was scheduled to demonstrate yoga for Merlin’s genius class.  I went in a lil’ bit early and got all set up in the classroom.  I was surprisingly nervous.

The children were still at lunch when I got there.

The children were still at lunch when I got there.

Unfortunately I got a my grain and had to leave suddenly.  I hope Ty wasn’t too upset to find me gone.

When I got home Hummus had another tumble.  Maybe I should stop putting him up on high surfaces to photograph him.  What do you think?

Two seconds later he was on the floor crying with blood everywhere.  Oh well.

Two seconds later he was on the floor crying with blood everywhere. Oh well.

I think I earned an extra glass (or three) of vino tonight.

Röbert is Home!

What a week it was with Röbert being away until last night.  I am exhausted and have a my grain.  I let him get up with the kids this morning and I slept in.  When I got up he had let Merlin and Starling dress up in some kind of crazy get ups!  What was he thinking?  I took a picture.  I wish that I had gotten a lot more wall in it.

8:2 wall

Can you believe it?  Starling liked those ugly things and was mad that I threw away the gift her father had bought her.  What to the ever!  I sent them up to change and walked into the family room.  Hummus was out of his car seat for some reason and trying to crawl on the sofa.  It was so cute so I did get a picture.  I was checking my phone to make sure I had a good one and the clumsy little thing fell off the sofa!  What was he thinking even being on it in the first place?

8:2 crawling

What can I say? There was blood everywhere, I was crying, Hummus was crying,.  Thank goodness Röbert was home to clean it all up.

I went upstairs to recover for awhile and when I came down Merlin was running around like a crazy man!  I need a vacation from summer vacation!

8:2 super merlin

Next week I have Starling signed up for a wonderful art camp with her best friend.  I think I will try to find some sort of program for Merlin and Hummus too.  Merlin is a bit old for the day care on Main Street but I may see if Mrs. Watkins will take him for a week or two.

I think I need a glass of wine now!

8:2 dining room