Tag Archives: biffle

Weekend Catch Up

As I said last week, I had decided that this weekend i would let Röbert be Daddy on duty and really have some fun with his kiddos, something I know he adored!  Because I was free and I hadn’t seen nearly enough of my biffle Karen, I decided she and I could have lil’ bonding time too.  I got up bright and early on Saturday, skipped the gym (this is a real sacrifice for me, but K is so worth it!) and went over and waited on her front porch.  She seemed surprised to find me there when she came out to get the paper, but we had coffee together and planned our day.  She said she had plans but I wouldn’t take no for an answer.  We were off to the city for shopping and lunch then coffee then home to watch basketball with our men (guys and their brackets, right?).

That night she and Mitch had tickets to some concert thingy.  It was at this fancy old home with people in costumes, who knows?   Mitch insisted I take his ticket so he and Röbert could catch up and watch even more basketball.  Karen seemed a lil’ uncomfortable but of course I knew we would have a ball.  I fell asleep but it was very culturally edifying.

By the time she and Mitch had finished arguing about something down the hall there wasn't time to change.  At least one of us looked pretty!

By the time she and Mitch had finished arguing about something down the hall there wasn’t time to change. At least one of us looked pretty!