Tag Archives: Benadryl

A Lil’ Time on my Own

So I woke up early this morning and decided to make a special breakfast for my whole family.  I have been having a lot of my grains lately and sleeping in a lot, so this was a nice treat for everyone!  And for me, yum, mimosas!

8:2 kitchen


After breakfast Röbert had to leave on another business trip!

8:2 robert

So I guess my life as a single mom continues.  It sure is hard and I wish my friends could begin to understand so they would be able to support me a little bit better!  I cried and cried, then I took the children out for a drive.  When we passed the Liebners’ house we could see their children were out back playing, so I told the kids to run back and play with them.  I just know the Liebners won’t mind having my lil’ angles for a few hours.  They are never a bit of trouble.  Of course Hummus was asleep.  He seemed to be about to come down with a cough earlier so I had given him a little preventative Benadryl in his lunch bottle and he was out like a light.

At last, a little me time.  I drove us right to the beach!


The waves were great!  It made me feel so much better about being a single mom!  It takes a village y’all!

Home Sweet Home

My trip home was horrible!  I was so remorseful about going away without really considering how much it would hurt poor Röbert and the kids.  Apparently my parents really DID have weekend plans so they delivered the kids back to Röbert and he got stuck with them and had to take time off from his work.  It was also way more expensive than I expected and, as I confessed before, I got caught up in the party atmosphere and didn’t learn thing one.  I also lost my favorite bra one night and i am scared how that might have happened.  Please, I hope there are no photos of that evening on the internet.  I sat on the plane and wept.


I had a short layover halfway home and so I made myself comfortable in the airport with a couple of glasses of wine and a good book and tried to think of ways to explain how sorry I am to Röbert.  Well, I was into my third glass of wine and I realized that it had been far too long, so I went and found the gate agent.  Apparently “weather” was preventing flights from leaving so I was stuck for as long as they wanted to keep me there.  I was livid!  I let that woman AND her supervisor know that I was on my way home from an important business conference and I am not used to being treated so shabbily.  I could tell the other passengers were all pretty impressed with how I handled myself.  You would think an airline would know better than to treat influential bloggers like they are nobodies.

I finally got home very late and drove home.  My family was all asleep and so I snuck into bed and then pretended to be asleep when Röbert was getting ready for work this morning.   I guess I have to face him eventually.  Anywho, I do feel like I have a sassy new attitude so I put on my ol’ cutoffs and went for walk while the children slept this afternoon (Benadryl again…LOL!)


Fun on the fourth!

Independence day is one of my favorite holidays, although I sometimes find myself wondering if it weren’t for those colonials I might be living it up in Downton Abbey etc.  Food for thought.  Anywhoo…

I got up nice and early for our annual Open House.  I ran to the kitchen and made up mimosas and waited for the guests to arrive.  But guess what?  Röbert never sent out the invitations.  They were on the back seat of his car!  I wondered why no one had called to ask what to bring.  Oh well, more mimosas for me!

photo mimosas

After I drank breakfast (lol) I was laying down and I heard a crash in the living room.  I went to investigate but all I found was my precious Starling reading a big heavy book.  She is so smart!  She said she hadn’t heard anything but I later found a broken vase behind the sofa where she was sitting.  Ugh!  I just know it is Merlin but Röbert coddles him so, and wouldn’t let me punish him without proof.  Infuriating!

photo starling reading


Merlin was outside playing with that darned chicken, “Birdy”.  I keep shooing it into the neighbors’ yards but Birdy comes right back.  Röbert  bought it some chicken feed and made a pen for it out back.  See how he spoils Merlin?  I just know those two were up to no good!

photo chicken3


But it was time for the Sullivan’s annual July 4th party so I ignored the mess the bird was making, scratching up my beautiful yard, and got changed.  I put the baby in his car seat to go next door.

photo hummus car seat

I am worried about the Sullivans.  They are older, probably in their mid-forties, and I think they might be losing it a little.  They acted surprised, as if they weren’t expecting us, when they know we come EVERY year!  Oh my.  I may have to sit down with Karen and see what is going on.


Of course Röbert and Merlin started horsing around and I was MORTIFIED!  The Sullivans were so sweet about it and kept telling me to let Merlin stay “just this once”, whatever that means, but I sent him straight home to bed.  Too bad he missed the swimming and fun and fireworks.  I hope roughhousing with his father was worth it!

photo roughhousing

Starling and Hummus both seemed like they might be allergic to something earlier, so I gave them each the tiniest bit of Benadryl and it just wore them right out.  By 6 PM the children were nestled all snug in their beds and we were able to enjoy a little grown up time.  Röbert had a hamburger, but I was a lot hungrier.!

photo picnic

Happy summer!

Saturday at the lake.

As you might have guessed, Röbert and I had words last night but I thought we had it all settled until I was trying to sleep in this morning and I heard someone outside in the garden.  It was Merlin, with guns!  I was so shaken!  Röbert acted as if it was fine.  Obviously I had not bought them, Robert brought them back with him from Tulsa and said he thought they would be “fun”.  Well, I let him have it!  I told him that the absolute last thing that boy needs is any more fun! Merlin guns photo

I took the guns and threw them away and then ran upstairs to weep.  No one understands me! I could tell Röbert felt bad because he suggested we go out to the lake for the day.  So I put on my “country” clothes and a happy face.  As soon as I got there I went for a nice long walk.

Lah Lee trees photo

When I got back I felt refreshed and renewed!  Röbert had just finished rigging up the sailboat and he and Merlin were off!

sailing photo

Poor Starling had a headache so I gave her and Hummus the tiniest bit of Benadryl and let them take a nap on the lawn.  I took a canoe out by myself to get some much needed me time!

canoeing photo

The boys were gone a long time so we headed home a little bit late.  I needed to take a bath and relax after my stressful week so I asked Röbert to make the kids something for dinner.  Knowing him it would be something disgusting so I simply asked him to make something healthy.  My bath was interrupted by the most horrible screaming downstairs and what did I rush down to find?  He had put the baby in a dirty bib and served everyone steamed heads of broccoli!  I nearly started screaming too.  I told them to eat up, as that was dinner and then sent them all upstairs to bed.  What was he thinking? healthy dinner photo