Tag Archives: beer

Dive Bar Fun

I keep hearing about how the hipsters love “dive” bars and drinking dive bar beers, which come in retro cans.  OMG!  Funnnnn!  So last night I told Karen that we should have a girl’s night.  She wanted to go see a speaker at the university, something about books or some such so I told her that I would get tickets and we headed downtown.

Of course I had no intention of spending one single second trying not to fall asleep at some boring lecture.  I pretended that I had no idea what she was talking about when she brought it up and she actually had the nerve to act angry.  She was a real party pooper the rest of the night.  I was a lil’ nervous when I saw the place.  It didn’t look all that nice, but I bravely put on my hipster eyeglasses and went on in.

The neighborhood even smelled bad!  Crazy.

The neighborhood even smelled bad! Crazy.

Karen wanted to leave right away but I made her stay.  I had the car keys, after all, so it was up to me.  We ordered beer in cans, LOL.  You will never ever guess who I ran into!  Ty was there with a group of guys.  They were playing billiards in another room, which is why I didn’t see him right away.  Boy, he sure seemed surprised to see me.  Maybe it was because I was wearing my cool glasses?  Who knows.

Hipster selfie, lol!

Hipster selfie, lol!

What a fun night.  Karen had to drive home and she barely said a word the whole way.  Oh well. She needs to get over it.